SQLite Forum

how to collate in a union and noaccent
As is the life of an ETL programmer I'm constantly matching things that do not really match and while I can de-dupe the number of "collate" expressions  when creating the schema it's not always known in advance. and so on...

I started with this example:

select * from (
select 'a'
select 'A'

then I added the COLLATE

select * from (
select 'a'
select 'A'
collate nocase

It's interesting to note that the results depend on the order of the 'A' and 'a'... I'm not sure it's meaningful or not.

I'm not a language expert but in the example I think the "collate nocase" is being assigned to the column so if I added a FROM the COLLATE would need to be attributed to the column and not the from... (no examples in the doc that I could see)

select * from (
select 'a' from test
select 'A' collate nocase from test

And so here are my questions...

- can there be multiple collate attributes(can they be stacked)?
- I read someplace that NOACCENT was left to the programmer? The reason given was that it was too big to implement. SHRUG. Given the use-cases for SQLite one might think it should be baked in.(see below)

example from SQL Server(??)

SELECT * FROM Venue WHERE Name COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI Like '%cafe%' COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI