SQLite User Forum

Does table have rowid?

Does table have rowid?

(1) By anonymous on 2021-01-30 00:09:01 [link] [source]

Is there an SQL statement that will return true if a table has ROWID?

(2) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 00:41:01 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

How about:

select coalesce((select rowid == rowid from table where rowid is not null limit 1), 1);

which will return 1 if the table has an attribute accessible by the name rowid otherwise it will throw an error that the column does not exist. This can be used to test for the existence of any accessible attribute of table ...

select coalesce((select schema == schema from pragma_table_xinfo where schema is not null limit 1), 1);

will return 1 because schema is a valid attribute (hidden column) of pragma_table_xinfo.

(3) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 00:50:35 in reply to 1 [source]

If you mean that tells you if the table is a "rowid table", if the table rowid is implicit or explicit, and if explicit what the name is, and if it has the autoincrement attribute, the answer is no. That information is stored in the schema but it not exposed by the introspection pragma's ...

(4) By anonymous on 2021-01-30 00:53:57 in reply to 2 [link] [source]

select coalesce((select rowid == rowid from table where rowid is not null limit 1), 1);

Appears to work; thanks. I need to test it further.

I am intrigued by == since usually SQL sees = as assignment or comparison depending on context.

(5) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 01:43:37 in reply to 4 [link] [source]

== is just a habit from using language that differentiate between equality tests and assignment.

select coalesce((select rowid IS rowid from table limit 1), 1);

should work as well since null is null is True ...

(6) By anonymous on 2021-01-30 09:34:41 in reply to 3 [link] [source]

but it not exposed by the introspection pragma's ...

That's a pity.

Therefore, the only way is to select rowid from table; and success will indicate its presence and failure will indicate its absence.

Some uncertainties I need to explore hands-on:

  1. Can the rowid column (implicitly added unless WITHOUT ROWID is added when the table is created) can be renamed.

  2. Can the user create a like named rowid column containing other than an auto increment value? Then, would there be TWO rowid columns, one hidden and one not?

  3. Do views have the rowid column?

The objective is to retrieve tables in batches of n records with a sql such as this:

int n = 100 // batches of 100 records
int m = 0;  // rowid starts with 1
while (test returning failure)
      select * from my table where rowid > n limit n;
m = m + n


(7) By anonymous on 2021-01-30 11:22:26 in reply to 6 [link] [source]

This table has a rowid, but there's no way to access it:

create table corner_case (
    rowid real,
    _rowid_ real,
    oid real);

For slicing the result of a SELECT, use LIMIT and OFFSET.

(8) By Richard Damon (RichardDamon) on 2021-01-30 11:52:44 in reply to 6 [link] [source]

First, it should be pointed out that if the table gets updated between calls like this (even fixed for the lack of use of m) isn't going to always get all the rows of the table or a snapshot at a given time unless the whole thing is wrapped in a transaction.

And once you wrap it in a transaction, you might as well just select all the rows at once and then just step to fetch them n at a time, do what you were planning on doing then step the next n.

(9) By Richard Hipp (drh) on 2021-01-30 11:57:36 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

This query returns non-zero (true) if the table whose name is $TABLENAME is a rowid table:

   SELECT count(*)==0 FROM pragma_index_info($TABLENAME);

The trick here is that a non-rowid table (that is to say a WITHOUT ROWID table) is really implemented as a stand-alone index that has no associated table. So the the "PRAGMA index_info=TABLE" statement returns some information about a WITHOUT ROWID table, since a WITHOUT ROWID table is implemented as an index. But a rowid table really is a table, and so "PRAGMA index_info" returns no information about a rowid table.

Here is a query that will list all tables in the schema and show you for each one whether or not it has a rowid:

   SELECT name,
          NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pragma_index_info(x.name)) AS 'hasRowid'
     FROM sqlite_schema AS x
    WHERE type='table'
    ORDER BY name;

(10) By Ralf on 2021-01-30 13:13:06 in reply to 9 [link] [source]

The trick here is that a non-rowid table (that is to say a WITHOUT ROWID table) is really implemented as a stand-alone index

This is interesting. Especially the misleading error message generated if an index with the same name already exists. Example:

drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a);
create index i1 on t1(a);

drop table if exists i1;
create table i1 (a primary key) without rowid;

Even though there is no table i1 this fails with the following error message:

there is already a table named i1

I would have looked forever for this table did I not know that i1 in fact conflicts with an index.

(11) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2021-01-30 15:03:47 in reply to 10 [link] [source]

I agree that this is very strange behavior, perhaps to be considered a bug.

With SQLite v3.33.0, I get a different error message from the same input: there is already an index named i1

(12) By anonymous on 2021-01-30 15:11:20 in reply to 9 [link] [source]

This is an extremely valuable/powerful solution/hint/tip1. Thank you very much; I am much obliged.

On an off-chance, I have to ask: Is there anything in a view that can identify each row uniquely? (I know that this is highly unlikely since the underlying tables can change in real time; one workaround might be to 'freeze' the view by writing it to a temporary table).

PS: If my suggestion ever sees the light of day, it should include the hasRowID column.

1I know that I would not have figured this out, ever! Your solution puts the real value of this forum in true perspective.

(13.1) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 16:36:26 edited from 13.0 in reply to 9 [link] [source]

That is very interesting Richard -- I never thought of that -- though it is obvious.

I took a different tack and added additional columns to the table_list and table_info pragma's to extract more info from the schema and to rename the object types slightly:

sqlite> select * from pragma_table_list;
│ schema │  type  │        name        │ ncols │ ro │ eph │ rid │ pk │ ai │ named │ shad │
│ main   │ table  │ sqlite_master      │ 5     │ 1  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysForeignKeys     │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysTriggers        │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysIndexColumns    │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysIndexes         │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysColumns         │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysTables          │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysObjects         │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysDatabases       │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ temp   │ table  │ sqlite_temp_master │ 5     │ 1  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ view   │ TZ_Lookup          │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ view   │ TZ_AllZones        │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ vtable │ tz_geopoly         │ 0     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ sqlite_master      │ 5     │ 1  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ sqlite_stat1       │ 3     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ sqlite_stat4       │ 6     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ tz_geopoly_rowid   │ 4     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 1  │ 0  │ 1     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ tz_geopoly_node    │ 2     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 1  │ 0  │ 1     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_ZoneData        │ 5     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_Version         │ 2     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ tz_geopoly_parent  │ 2     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 1  │ 0  │ 1     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_Countries       │ 2     │ 0  │ 0   │ 0   │ 1  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_Zones           │ 6     │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 1  │ 0  │ 1     │ 0    │
│ main   │ etable │ pragma_table_list  │ 11    │ 0  │ 0   │ 1   │ 0  │ 0  │ 0     │ 0    │
sqlite> pragma table_xinfo('tz_zones');
│ cid │     name     │  type   │   aff   │  coll  │ notnull │ dflt_value │ pk │ rowid │ autoinc │ hidden │
│ 0   │ ID           │ INTEGER │ INTEGER │        │ 0       │            │ 1  │ 1     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 1   │ Country_Code │ text    │ TEXT    │ nocase │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 2   │ Area         │ text    │ TEXT    │ nocase │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 3   │ Location     │ text    │ TEXT    │ nocase │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 4   │ City         │ text    │ TEXT    │ nocase │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 5   │ Zone         │ text    │ TEXT    │ nocase │ 1       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
sqlite> pragma table_xinfo('tz_countries');
│ cid │  name   │ type │ aff  │  coll  │ notnull │ dflt_value │ pk │ rowid │ autoinc │ hidden │
│ 0   │ Code    │ text │ TEXT │ nocase │ 1       │            │ 1  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 1   │ Country │ text │ TEXT │ nocase │ 1       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
sqlite> pragma table_xinfo('sqlite_master');
│ cid │   name   │ type │   aff   │ coll │ notnull │ dflt_value │ pk │ rowid │ autoinc │ hidden │
│ -1  │          │      │ INTEGER │      │ 0       │            │ 1  │ 1     │ 0       │ 1      │
│ 0   │ type     │ text │ TEXT    │      │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 1   │ name     │ text │ TEXT    │      │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 2   │ tbl_name │ text │ TEXT    │      │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 3   │ rootpage │ int  │ INTEGER │      │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │
│ 4   │ sql      │ text │ TEXT    │      │ 0       │            │ 0  │ 0     │ 0       │ 0      │

and added a database_info pragma that produced a similarly named output of all objects visible in the connections schema dictionary:

sqlite> pragma database_info;
│ schema │  type  │              name               │
│ main   │ table  │ sqlite_master                   │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysForeignKeys                  │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysTriggers                     │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysIndexColumns                 │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysIndexes                      │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysColumns                      │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysTables                       │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysObjects                      │
│ temp   │ view   │ SysDatabases                    │
│ temp   │ table  │ sqlite_temp_master              │
│ _tz_   │ view   │ TZ_Lookup                       │
│ _tz_   │ view   │ TZ_AllZones                     │
│ _tz_   │ vtable │ tz_geopoly                      │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ sqlite_master                   │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ sqlite_stat1                    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ sqlite_stat4                    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ tz_geopoly_rowid                │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ tz_geopoly_node                 │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_ZoneData                     │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_Version                      │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ tz_geopoly_parent               │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_Countries                    │
│ _tz_   │ table  │ TZ_Zones                        │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZoneStart                    │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ sqlite_autoindex_TZ_Countries_1 │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ sqlite_autoindex_TZ_Countries_2 │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_Country                      │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZonesCountry                 │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZonesArea                    │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZonesLocation                │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ sqlite_autoindex_TZ_Zones_1     │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZonesCity                    │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZoneOffset                   │
│ _tz_   │ index  │ TZ_ZoneDataID                   │
│ main   │ etable │ pragma_table_list               │

"etable" equates to a eponymous virtual table module and I attribute it to "main" even though it exists quite independently of any schema name;

"vtable" is a virtual table which is merely a different attribute of a table (like a view) detected when one cursors through the tables in-memory schema;

"trigger" is also in the in-memory schema but since there is not one defined in this sample it does not show up.

I also added a rudimentary trigger_list pragma that obtains some information for triggers given schema.table. I haven't added a trigger_info pragma because I have not managed to figure out how to display interesting information about a specific trigger (such as for the ON conditions, for example).

This allows my "catalog views" to all work (across all attached schemas) without necessitating any dynamic execution (aka eval) capabilities to the codebase.

(14) By anonymous on 2021-01-30 17:33:52 in reply to 13.1 [link] [source]

Thanks for elaborating further, Keith.

Which version of SQLite3 are you using? I can't reproduce the same template when I run your queries: e.g. pragma table_xinfo('employees'); does not include the autoinc column with v3.34.1.

RE: select * from pragma_table_list;

What do the columns eph ,ai , named, shad mean/indicate?

I assume ro means read only and 1 indicates true and 0 indicates false; if so, why is it consistently 0 for 'view's?

Re: pragma table_xinfo('sqlite_master');

The column cid is the ordinal position of the column; if so, what does -1 indicate?

Re: pragma database_info;

Is _tz_ an attached database?

(15) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2021-01-30 17:50:55 in reply to 13.1 [link] [source]


Have you signed the project's contributor's agreement? Those pragma enhancements would be a great optionally compiled feature.

Can you publish diffs somewhere?

(16) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 18:30:38 in reply to 15 [link] [source]

You can find context diffs for pragma.c and mkpragmatab.tcl here. The mkpragmatab.tcl diff was generated by fossil since the number on inconsequential changes is low. pragma.c.diff was created with a standard diff tool (not fossil) because there is a lot of "crud" (particularly invisible trailing spaces) that my editor removes from pragma.c when I edit it that results in a huge diff -- so I removed the "crud" from the trunk pragma.c to get rid of the crud before generating the diff so that it would only show the relevant changes without having to hand-edit out hundreds of irrelevant differences.

You need to apply the pramga.c.diff (which is against the current tip of trunk though the edits will apply to any version going back for many versions) to the src/pragma.c file.

You need to apply the mkpragmatab.tcl.diff (also against the current tip of trunk though the edits will apply to any version going back for many versions) to the tool/mkpragmatab.tcl file.

You then run the mkpragmatab.tcl script which will build the src/pragma.h

You can find the diffs here:

(17) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 18:44:28 in reply to 14 [link] [source]

Which version of SQLite3 are you using?

This is the current tip of trunk.

I can't reproduce the same template when I run your queries: e.g. pragma table_xinfo('employees'); does not include the autoinc column with v3.34.1

That is correct. These are changes I have made to the standard SQLite3 code to include extra attributes from the internal schema representation.

What do the columns eph ,ai , named, shad mean/indicate

eph is the ephemeral attribute from the internal dictionary
ai is the autoincrement attribute from the internal dictionary
named indicates that the tables rowid is explicitly named
shad is the shadow attribute from the internal dictionary

I assume ro means read only and 1 indicates true and 0 indicates false; if so, why is it consistently 0 for 'view's?

Because views are not read-only. You will note that sqlite_master is read-only because unless you use a specific pragma to enable you to write to it, that it is read only. This is an entirely different thing from a view or virtual table which is only by happenstance not writable.

Is _tz_ an attached database


(18) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 18:48:40 in reply to 14 [link] [source]

Here is basically the same thing using my Catalog Views which expand the column names somewhat:

sqlite> select * from SysTables;
│ ObjectSchema │ ObjectType │     ObjectName     │ NumCols │ isReadOnly │ isEphemeral │ isShadow │ hasPrimaryKey │ isRowid │ hasNamedRowid │ hasAutoIncrement │
│ main         │ table      │ sqlite_master      │ 5       │ 1          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysForeignKeys     │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysTriggers        │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysIndexColumns    │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysIndexes         │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysColumns         │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysTables          │ 11      │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysObjects         │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ view       │ SysDatabases       │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ temp         │ table      │ sqlite_temp_master │ 5       │ 1          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ view       │ TZ_Lookup          │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ view       │ TZ_AllZones        │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ vtable     │ tz_geopoly         │ 0       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ sqlite_master      │ 5       │ 1          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ sqlite_stat1       │ 3       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ sqlite_stat4       │ 6       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ tz_geopoly_rowid   │ 4       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 1             │ 1       │ 1             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ tz_geopoly_node    │ 2       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 1             │ 1       │ 1             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ TZ_ZoneData        │ 5       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ TZ_Version         │ 2       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ tz_geopoly_parent  │ 2       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 1             │ 1       │ 1             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ TZ_Countries       │ 2       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 1             │ 0       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ _tz_         │ table      │ TZ_Zones           │ 6       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 1             │ 1       │ 1             │ 0                │
│ main         │ etable     │ pragma_table_list  │ 11      │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ main         │ etable     │ sqlite_dbpage      │ 3       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │
│ main         │ etable     │ sqlite_dbdata      │ 5       │ 0          │ 0           │ 0        │ 0             │ 1       │ 0             │ 0                │

(19.2) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 22:18:28 edited from 19.1 in reply to 14 [link] [source]

Missed one.

The column cid is the ordinal position of the column; if so, what does -1 indicate?

The cid -1 indicates the "hidden implicit rowid". This is added for completeness if the table has the "I am a ROWID table" indicator but not the "I have a named ROWID" indicator.

The aff (Affinity) column is also from the internal schema dictionary and does not depend on re-implementing the affinity deduction logic but simply reports what affinity is being used internally, which is an attribute stored in the internal schema information.

For more clarity the internal schema info has an item that indicates the cid of the iPKey. If that value is -1 (meaning there is no column that is the explicit iPKey) and the table is a rowid table, then a row for cid -1 representing the hidden iPKey is output if hidded columns are being output.

(20.1) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 19:14:09 edited from 20.0 in reply to 16 [link] [source]

I don't have a signed contributor agreement but these changes are pretty much "poached" from Richards already existing code -- in fact, the methods that are used to traverse the internal schema structures are all just "copies with minor modifications" of Richards code. I did this to get around some issues with my Catalog Schema views so that they are not dependent on any externalities and can handle multiple attached databases on the same connection without needing to examine and dynamically execute inspection of sqlite_master.

-- SysObjects view requires database_info pragma in SQLite3 3.31.0 and later
-- SysTriggers view requires trigger_list pragma in SQLite3 3.31.0 and later
-- SysTables view requires table_list pragma in SQLite3 3.31.0 and later

-- all TEXT columns in all views have "collate nocase" attached to the
-- output columns to ensure that where conditions on retrievals are not
-- case sensitive, Column Names in views defined so as to not conflict with
-- keywords to ensure quoting when using the views is not required

drop view if exists SysDatabases;
drop view if exists SysObjects;
drop view if exists SysTables;
drop view if exists SysColumns;
drop view if exists SysIndexes;
drop view if exists SysIndexColumns;
drop view if exists SysTriggers;
drop view if exists SysForeignKeys;

drop view if exists temp.SysDatabases;
drop view if exists temp.SysObjects;
drop view if exists temp.SysTables;
drop view if exists temp.SysColumns;
drop view if exists temp.SysIndexes;
drop view if exists temp.SysIndexColumns;
drop view if exists temp.SysTriggers;
drop view if exists temp.SysForeignKeys;

create view if not exists temp.SysDatabases
select Sequence,
       ObjectSchema   collate nocase,
       FileName       collate nocase
  from (
        select seq    as Sequence,
               name   as ObjectSchema,
               file   as FileName
          from temp.pragma_database_list

create view if not exists temp.SysObjects
select ObjectSchema   collate nocase,
       ObjectType     collate nocase,
       ObjectName     collate nocase
  from (
        select schema as ObjectSchema,
               type   as ObjectType,
               name   as ObjectName
          from temp.pragma_database_info

create view if not exists temp.SysTables
select ObjectSchema   collate nocase,
       ObjectType     collate nocase,
       ObjectName     collate nocase,
  from (
        select schema as ObjectSchema,
               type   as ObjectType,
               name   as ObjectName,
               ncols  as NumCols,
               ro     as isReadOnly,
               eph    as isEphemeral,
               rid    as isRowid,
               pk     as hasPrimaryKey,
               ai     as hasAutoIncrement,
               named  as hasNamedRowid,
               shad   as isShadow
          from temp.pragma_table_list

create view if not exists temp.SysColumns
select ObjectSchema     collate nocase,
       ObjectType       collate nocase,
       ObjectName       collate nocase,
       ColumnID         collate nocase,
       ColumnName       collate nocase,
       Type             collate nocase,
       Affinity         collate nocase,
       Collation        collate nocase,
from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               cid          as ColumnID,
               name         as ColumnName,
               type         as Type,
               aff          as Affinity,
               coll         as Collation,
               "notnull"    as isNotNull,
               dflt_value   as DefaultValue,
               pk           as isPrimaryKey,
               rowid        as isRowID,
               autoinc      as isAutoIncrement,
               Hidden       as isHidden
          from temp.SysObjects
    cross join temp.pragma_table_xinfo
            on schema = ObjectSchema
           and arg = ObjectName
         where ObjectType in ('vtable', 'etable', 'table', 'view')

create view if not exists temp.SysIndexes
select ObjectSchema     collate nocase,
       ObjectType       collate nocase,
       ObjectName       collate nocase,
       IndexName        collate nocase,
       IndexOrigin      collate nocase,
  from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               name         as IndexName,
               seq          as IndexID,
               "unique"     as isUniqueIndex,
               origin       as IndexOrigin,
               partial      as isPartialIndex
          from temp.SysObjects
    cross join temp.pragma_index_list
            on schema = ObjectSchema
           and arg = ObjectName
         where ObjectType in ('vtable', 'etable', 'table')

create view if not exists temp.SysIndexColumns
select ObjectSchema         collate nocase,
       ObjectType           collate nocase,
       ObjectName           collate nocase,
       IndexName            collate nocase,
       ColumnName           collate nocase,
       Collation            collate nocase,
  from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               seqno        as IndexColumnSequence,
               cid          as ColumnID,
               name         as ColumnName,
               "desc"       as isDescendingOrder,
               coll         as Collation,
               key          as isPartOfKey
          from SysIndexes
    cross join temp.pragma_index_xinfo
            on schema = ObjectSchema
           and arg = IndexName

create view if not exists temp.SysTriggers
select ObjectSchema         collate nocase,
       ObjectType           collate nocase,
       ObjectName           collate nocase,
       TriggerName          collate nocase,
       TriggerWhen          collate nocase,
       TriggerOp            collate nocase
  from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               seq          as Sequence,
               name         as TriggerName,
               tm_tr        as TriggerWhen,
               op           as TriggerOp
          from temp.SysObjects
    cross join temp.pragma_trigger_list
            on arg == ObjectName
           and schema == ObjectSchema
         where ObjectType in ('vtable', 'etable', 'table')

create view if not exists temp.SysForeignKeys
select ObjectSchema         collate nocase,
       ObjectType           collate nocase,
       ObjectName           collate nocase,
       FromColumn           collate nocase,
       ToTable              collate nocase,
       ToColumn             collate nocase,
       OnUpdate             collate nocase,
       OnDelete             collate nocase,
       Match                collate nocase
  from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               id           as Id,
               seq          as Sequence,
               "from"       as FromColumn,
               "table"      as ToTable,
               "to"         as ToColumn,
               on_update    as OnUpdate,
               on_delete    as OnDelete,
               match        as Match
          from temp.SysObjects
    cross join temp.pragma_foreign_key_list
            on arg == ObjectName
           and schema == ObjectSchema
         where ObjectType in ('vtable', 'etable', 'table')

These are basically the same views as I have posted previously but the primary change was adding the database_info pragma so that there is no need to examine the various sqlite_master tables to find all the objects and the additional columns so that more information can be obtained.

NB: I just added a .read into .sqliterc so that these views are always loaded when I invoke the CLI

(21) By doug (doug9forester) on 2021-01-30 20:52:06 in reply to 9 [link] [source]

I tried it and got this:

sqlite> select sqlite_version();
sqlite>    SELECT name,
   ...>           NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pragma_index_info(x.name)) AS 'hasRowid'
   ...>      FROM sqlite_schema AS x
   ...>     WHERE type='table'
   ...>     ORDER BY name;
Error: no such table: sqlite_schema

Is it version dependent?

(22) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-30 22:35:29 in reply to 21 [link] [source]


sqlite_schema became as alias for sqlite_master in June 2020. (Version 3.32.3 or 3.33.0 and later) though it was not noted in the release notes.

(23.1) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2021-01-31 02:00:22 edited from 23.0 in reply to 20.1 [link] [source]

Thanks for that. After some early hiccups arising from pulling a slightly incoherent trunk tip file set, that built without a hitch and appears to work as well as your previous "Catalog" does (or better.)

I am tempted to create the views in an in-memory database known as 'information_schema', not because that is (or is becoming) conventional but because it segregates the view names from application table/view names. If there was a "DETACH IF ATTACHED Whatever_Schema" feature in SQLite, I would suggest that. It would be doable if there was a way to say "ATTACH ':memory:' as information_schema" only if SELECT COUNT(name) as ise FROM pragma_database_list WHERE name = 'information_schema' returns 0. Is there a clean way to do that?

(Appended by edit:)

If those views are not in the temp schema, but in information_schema, this happens: sqlite> select * from information_schema.SysTables; Error: unsafe use of virtual table "pragma_table_list" Rats.

(24) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-31 02:32:25 in reply to 23.1 [link] [source]

The pragma vtabs are not INNOCUOUS so they can only be used from top level statements (or from temp).

Do you have trusted_schema off perchance? (.dbconfig)

(25) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2021-01-31 02:48:49 in reply to 24 [link] [source]

Yes, I have trusted_schema left at its default. (off)

Is there any reason that the schema-revealing table-valued pragma functions should not be marked as INNOCUOUS? They certainly are not writable tables. Nor do they have side-effects. How dangerous can they be?

(26.1) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-31 03:44:43 edited from 26.0 in reply to 25 [link] [source]

It is an information leakage exposure, is my understanding.

Also, open a big database and execute select * from pragma_integrity_check.

Do you want someone to give you a database that has a view that selects from pragma_integrity_check? Not setting the INNOCUOUS flag means that statements which execute pragmas must originate from your application (or have been put in the per connection temp table by your application) and cannot be put there by an external attacker for you to execute unbeknownst to you.

(27) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2021-01-31 15:22:16 in reply to 26.1 [link] [source]

Hmmm. The information leakage exposure seems little different from what those schema-revealing pragma's can do when ensconced in views in the temp schema.

I do not deny the utility of the (un)trusted_schema scheme. I was thinking that the table-valued pragmas are innocuous and hence could be harmlessly attributed as such in the code which makes them visible as tables. IOW, no security risk is created beyond what the same views in temp entail (which is some schema leakage.)

(28) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2021-01-31 18:02:22 in reply to 27 [link] [source]

I had asked Richard about this back when the innocuous flags were added and that was the reason he gave me (I used to just put all the catalog views in each database itself) and that was the answer he gave me.

I suppose you could go either way -- however -- at least if they are in the temp database you know that only you could have put them there ... subsequent to opening the database connection and that they cannot have been externally manipulated.

That is why they load into temp (and drop any equivalents that exist before they are added). The CLI can load them just fine using the .sqliterc and for other applications they can be handcoded in the application to be loaded (for example I modified APSW (by overriding the connection class) so that they are loaded into temp when each connection is opened).