SQLite Forum

Nearest-match join
create table T1 (
  id integer primary key,
  ts real    not null,
   a char    not null
insert into T1(id, ts, a)
values (1, 1.0, 'A'), (2, 1.2, 'B'), (3, 1.8, 'C'), (4, 2.5, 'D')
     , (5, 3.6, 'E'), (6, 4.5, 'F'), (7, 4.6, 'G'), (8, 9.8, 'H');

create table T2 (
  id integer primary key,
  ts real    not null,
   b integer not null
insert into T2(id, ts, b)
values (10, 2.0, 50), (20, 2.5, 100), (30, 9.5, 200), (40, 4.5, 300);

drop view if exists NearestMatch;
create view if not exists NearestMatch as
with timeFrames as (
select *, lag(T1.ts) over win as tsLag
 from T1
WINDOW win AS (order by T1.ts)
select TF.id,TF.a,TF.tsLag,TF.ts, T2.*
  from timeFrames TF
  left outer join T2 on T2.ts > TF.tsLag and T2.ts <= TF.ts;

select * from NearestMatch;

sqlite> .mode box
sqlite> select * from NearestMatch;
│ id │ a │ tsLag │ ts  │ id:1 │ ts:1 │  b  │
│ 1  │ A │       │ 1.0 │      │      │     │
│ 2  │ B │ 1.0   │ 1.2 │      │      │     │
│ 3  │ C │ 1.2   │ 1.8 │      │      │     │
│ 4  │ D │ 1.8   │ 2.5 │ 10   │ 2.0  │ 50  │
│ 4  │ D │ 1.8   │ 2.5 │ 20   │ 2.5  │ 100 │
│ 5  │ E │ 2.5   │ 3.6 │      │      │     │
│ 6  │ F │ 3.6   │ 4.5 │ 40   │ 4.5  │ 300 │
│ 7  │ G │ 4.5   │ 4.6 │      │      │     │
│ 8  │ H │ 4.6   │ 9.8 │ 30   │ 9.5  │ 200 │


As you can see the left table may show repetitions but has no "holes"
 while the right side may show "holes" but matches every time frame from the left table.

I did not try with huge data size but I guess this view is not the slowest.