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Documentation typo

Documentation typo

(1.1) By J. King (jking) on 2020-09-14 10:29:39 edited from 1.0

[Section 4.5 of the json1 documentation](https://sqlite.org/json1.html#the_json_insert_json_replace_and_json_set_functions) begins its third paragraph with:

> Edits occurs sequentially…

The second word should be "occur". This typo also occurs in the second paragraph of [Section 4.8](https://sqlite.org/json1.html#the_json_remove_function).

The third paragraph of [Section 4.6](https://sqlite.org/json1.html#the_json_object_function) also contains a typo:

> An argument with SQL type TEXT it is normally…

The word "it" does not belong. 

The first paragraph of [Section 4.8](https://sqlite.org/json1.html#the_json_remove_function) reads in part:

> … returns a new JSON value that is the X with all the elements…

"the X" should probably be "the input X".