SQLite Forum

shell's .load is pathSep picky (bug, now fixed)
I am sorry to have to report that check-in 57b16d8c is still not right.

Put briefly, the newest change's code fragment,


, assigns the comparison result, a truth value (1 or 0), to c rather than the char value that was probably intended.  If that fragment was instead written,


, then c would be assigned the char value zFile[iFile] and the code then comparing c to '\\\\' would work.

If that is accepted as a fact, the rest of this post can be ignored because it only goes to prove what I claim above and show, in detail, why it it is true.

// I modified the subject code taken from loadext.c (in the amalgamation sqlite3.c) to read:

    memcpy(zAltEntry, "sqlite3_", 8);
    for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && ((c=zFile[iFile]!='/')||c=='\\'); iFile--){}
    for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && ((c=zFile[iFile]!='/')&&c!='\\'); iFile--){}  /* This is line 123567 */
# else
    for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && (c=zFile[iFile])!='/'&&c!='\\'; iFile--){} /* Note movement of 2nd ')' */
# endif
    for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && zFile[iFile]!='/'; iFile--){}

I added this in Makefile.msc where it's timely:

#  Temp defs to test bug fix options
!IF defined(BUGFIX_OPT)

Here are excerpts from a subsequent OS shell session, minus much extraneous matter:

> build BUGFIX_OPT=0 clean
> build BUGFIX_OPT=2
> sqlite3m -bail -cmd ".load \\Bin\\natsort"
Error: The specified module could not be found.

> build BUGFIX_OPT=0 clean
> build BUGFIX_OPT=1
> sqlite3m -bail -cmd ".load \\Bin\\natsort"
Error: The specified procedure could not be found.

> build BUGFIX_OPT=0 clean
> build BUGFIX_OPT=0
> sqlite3m -bail -cmd ".load \\Bin\\natsort"
SQLite version 3.32.0 2020-04-23 20:45:46 (with modified shell)
Enter ".help [<command>]" for usage hints.
sqlite> .q

> alias build

Here are excerpts from the assembly output with -DFAVOR\_DRH\_LOAD\_EXT\_ENTRY\_FIX2 compilation:

sqlite3LoadExtension PROC
; File C:\Work\Projects\Sqlite\v3r32pr6\sqlite3.c
; Line  123567
	lea	r10d, DWORD PTR [rbx-1]
	mov	QWORD PTR [rax], rcx
	mov	ecx, ebx
	sub	rcx, 1
	js	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	cmp	BYTE PTR [rcx+rsi], 47			; 0000002fH
	je	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	dec	r10d
	sub	rcx, 1
	jns	SHORT $LL7@sqlite3Loa

; Note that above comparison to 47 (aka '/') is to an indirectly accessed location. Also note that there is no comparison to 92 (aka '\\') anywhere. The code that might do so has been optimized away because this

  && ((c=zFile[iFile]!='/')&&c!='\\')

is logically equivalent to this appearing the top of the loop body:

  if( !( c=zFile[iFile]!='/' ) ){  /* 1st test */
    if( !( c!='\\' ) )              /* 2nd test */

The compiler, enforcing the higher binding precedence of != relative to =, "stores" 1st comparison truth value into what would be c. (The quotes are because, in fact, the "c" value remains enregistered, not stored, as the above .asm excerpts show.) Because the 2nd test can only be reached when c would have been given the truth value "False", or 0 per C convention, and because 0!='\\' is always true and the 2nd test condition can never be met, there is nothing achieved by executed such code with a constant outcome. And so it is optimized away. 

Here, with the troublesome clause selected (at line 123569) as

  && (c=zFile[iFile])!='/'&&c!='\\' 

, are excerpts from the assembly output:

; Line 123569
	lea	r10d, DWORD PTR [rbx-1]
	mov	QWORD PTR [rax], rcx
	mov	ecx, ebx
	sub	rcx, 1
	js	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	npad	7
	movzx	eax, BYTE PTR [rcx+rsi]
	cmp	al, 47					; 0000002fH
	je	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	cmp	al, 92					; 0000005cH
	je	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	dec	r10d
	sub	rcx, 1
	jns	SHORT $LL7@sqlite3Loa
; Note that above comparisons to 47 and 92 (aka '/' and '\\') are to a loaded register.

This last is the code that works as demonstrated by the shell session excerpts. It ends the loop if either of two successive comparisons are met.

I apologize if this is excessively belaboring the obvious. My first fix was not the one I first suggested, so I am sympathetic regarding the confusion.