SQLite Forum

Aliased function result with the same name issue
Note that MySQL is not using the expression alias in a `WHERE` clause, but just the original column value. Confusion might arise due to the use of the `TRIM` function and the way MySQL string collations trim trailing spaces.

Refer to [this documentation](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/charset-binary-collations.html#charset-binary-collations-trailing-space-comparisons) for MySQL 5.6:

>## Trailing Space Handling in Comparisons
>Nonbinary strings have PAD SPACE behavior for all collations, including _bin collations. Trailing spaces are insignificant in comparisons:
>mysql> SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
>mysql> SELECT 'a ' = 'a';
>| 'a ' = 'a' |
>|          1 |
>For binary strings, all bytes are significant in comparisons, including trailing spaces:
>mysql> SET NAMES binary;
>mysql> SELECT 'a ' = 'a';
>| 'a ' = 'a' |
>|          0 |