SQLite Forum

What would cause column data to be spread across two lines?
I've imported metadata from audio files and written same to a SQLite table.  A number of columns have entries like this "text1\\text2\\text3" where the \\ serves as a delimiter, meaning that the column actually contains multiple distinct entries and should ideally be split into a separate table ... which is what I'm planning to do.

I'm using Python to load the column into a Pandas DataFrame, following which I'm converting all records into a Python list which is then split into individual entries, de-duped and written to a new list, which forms the basis of the separate table.

In doing this I've encountered a number of items in the list that split over two lines.  This led me down the path of running update queries to remove any occurrences of CR and LF in the column in question:

update alib set artist = [REPLACE](artist, char(10), '') WHERE artist != [REPLACE](artist, char(10), '');


update alib set artist = [REPLACE](artist, char(13), '') WHERE artist != [REPLACE](artist, char(13), '');

Whilst this reduced the number of occurrences of items in the list that split over two lines, some still remain and I've no idea where to go from here.

Are there any other characters I should be testing for?