SQLite Forum

Confused about blobs
This will probably get mangled by email systems line wrapping everything, but it looks like on the forum it keeps the format. 

Below is the C code I wrote for basic access of my database. If you have any suggestions, or looks like I missed something, feel free to comment. There is a header file not included here that has an enumeration of error codes, but they are easily replaced and obvious. 


/* ********************** */
/* SQLite Access routines */
/* ********************** */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "sqlite3.h"

#define SQLMAXSIZE BUFSIZE /* max number of bytes in a sql statement */

typedef struct
  char fn[MAXFILENAMESIZE + 1]; /* name of the database */
  char isopen;                  /* flag whether the database is open */
  char exists;                  /* flag set if database exists on disk */
  char sql[SQLMAXSIZE];         /* the sql string */
  int sqllen;                   /* length of the sql string */
  sqlite3 *db;                  /* the opaque sqlite database structure */
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;           /* the prepared statement */
  int rows;                     /* number of rows returned by statement */
  } TXTDB;

TXTDB txtdb; /* the database */

char txtdbtemp[SQLMAXSIZE + 2]; /* temp string */

/* ********************************************************** */
/* open txtdb and init variables. called at start of program */
/* returns 0 if everything OK */
/* returns 1 if file did not exist and was created */
/* this means the database tables need to be created */
/* ********************************************************** */

int txtdb_open(void)
  int i;
  int f;
  char cflag; /* create flag if set then file does not exist */

  if (txtdb.isopen)
    write_errfile("Attempt to open txtdb which is already open");

  if (txtdb.db)
    write_errfile("txtdb.db not null in txtdb_open");

  /* first try opening the file to see if it exists */

  cflag = 0;
  f = open(txtdb.fn, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
  if (f == -1)
    /* if an error occurs then cannot proceed, so write error message */
    switch (errno)
    case EACCES:
      write_errfile("txtdb Open Error: Permission Denied");
    case EINVACC:
      write_errfile("txtdb Open Error: Invalid Access Code");
    case EMFILE:
      write_errfile("txtdb Open Error: Too Many Files Open");
    case ENOENT:
      write_errfile("txtdb file does not exist. Creating txtdb");
      cflag = 1; /* set flag indicating that file is being created */
      write_errfile("txtdb Open Error: Unknown Error");
  close(f); /* close the handle */

  i = sqlite3_open(txtdb.fn, &txtdb.db); /* open the database */
  if (i != SQLITE_OK)
    sprintf(txtdbtemp, "txtdb Open Error: error during database open %d", i);
  if (!txtdb.db)
    write_errfile("txtdb Open Error: txtdb is null after open");

  txtdb.isopen = 1;     /* set open flag */
  txtdb.exists = cflag; /* save the create flag */
  return cflag;

/* ************************************ */
/* Close the previously opened database */
/* ************************************ */

void txtdb_close(void)
  int i;

  if (!txtdb.isopen)
    if (txtdb.db)
      write_errfile("txtdb Close Error: txtdb.db not null and not flagged as open");
    write_errfile("txtdb Close Error: txtdb.db is null and not flagged as open");

    i = sqlite3_close(txtdb.db);
    if ((i != SQLITE_BUSY) && (i != SQLITE_OK))
      sprintf(txtdbtemp, "txtdb Close Error: error during database Close %d", i);
  while (i == SQLITE_BUSY);

  txtdb.isopen = 0;
  txtdb.db = 0;
  txtdb.exists = 0;

/* ***************************************************** */
/* does the sqlite3_prepare_v2() with error checking */
/* returns SQLITE_OK if ready for a step. */
/* writes to errfile, but does not exit if sql too long */
/* if sql is too long then returns SQLITE_ERROR */
/* any other error, the error code is returned */
/* **************************************************** */

int txtdb_prepare(char *sql)
  int i;

  txtdb.sqllen = strlen(sql); /* get and check length of sql */
  if (txtdb.sqllen > SQLMAXSIZE - 1)
    write_errfile("SQL Too Long:");
    return SQLITE_ERROR;
  strcpy(txtdb.sql, sql); /* save the sql into the structure */
  if (!txtdb.isopen)
    write_errfile("txtdb prepare without database open");
  if (txtdb.db == 0)
    write_errfile("txtdb prepare with null database handle");

  i = sqlite3_prepare_v2(txtdb.db, sql, (txtdb.sqllen + 1), &txtdb.stmt, 0);

  return i;
