SQLite Forum

Kind request: Please make SHA3/? part of built-in functions
A frequent forum participant, Keith Medcalf, has published in [this post](https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/afbaaddd7f?t=h) (and others) a collection of extensions along with a function, defined in coreinit.c, which loads a gob of extensions. As the README.txt file in the same archive explains, by using a compile flag, -DSQLITE_EXTRA_INIT=core_init, and appending the gob sources in the right order to the amalgamation, they can be statically linked and their names made known to the SQLite statement compiler.

It would be nearly trivial to adapt Keith's core_init() code to load any set of extensions you like, with whatever conditional compilation you see fit to devise.

Should this be included with the amalgamation when it is released? It will be ever-growing, just as the set of extensions published at sqlite.org has grown. Maybe you can persuade the SQLite developers to list it in the 3rd-party tools collection.

Personally, I prefer the simplicity of the amalgamation as it is, and I would prefer it not be larded up with the text of all the extensions. However, a conditional<code>
 #include "gob_of_extensions.c"
</code>in the right place would not be detrimental to the present simplicity.