SQLite Forum

SQLite & TCL Conference 2020
This year the Tcl/Tk conference has been reimagined as a virtual event titled **S&T 2020 (SQLite & TCL),** scheduled on  **Tuesday, November 10 from 10 am CT to 4:30pm CT.**

The event will be hosted through Zoom and the [event details are on Eventbrite.](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/st-2020-tickets-122293825123 "event details are on Eventbrite.")

There will be abbreviated talks there will be brief work-in-progress sessions as well. Please visit the[ core tcl page](https://core.tcl-lang.org/tmp/tclcon/schedule.html " core tcl page") or [this page](https://flightaware.engineering/p/e7a1d358-253f-410f-a2f9-5aca878ee127/ "this page") to view a list of speakers for the event. 

We invite you to join tomorrow and connect with the global and local community!