SQLite Forum

Overriding collation of IN expressions
In the [syntax diagram for expressions][1], we see that the COLLATE operator
is applied to an "expr".  The COLLATE operator has high precedence, so it binds
more tightly that most everything else.  For the phrase:

    b IN ('one') COLLATE nocase

The "`('one')`" part is *not* an expression. That subphrase is part of the
IN expression.  Hence, the expression must be parsed thusly:

    (b IN ('one')) COLLATE nocase

So, in other words, the COLLATE operator is being applied to the result of
the IN operator, not to the operands of the IN operator.

Contrast the above with the equality constraint:

    b == 'one' COLLATE nocase

Here, the "`'one'`" part is an expression, and so the COLLATE operator
is able to bind to it.  And since COLLATE has higher precedence than ==,
we get the following parse:

    b == ('one' COLLATE nocase);

So here, the COLLATE operator applies to the right operand of the == operator
and thus affects the operation of the == operator.

If you want to apply a collation to an IN operator, you need to put the
COLLATE operator on the left operand, which is an expression.  Hence, you
probably want this:

    b COLLATE nocase IN ('one')

Which parses out as:

    (b COLLATE nocase) IN ('one')

[1]: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html