SQLite Forum

Performance Issue: How can I increase a performance?

Performance Issue: How can I increase a performance?

(1) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 06:26:30 [link]

Hi guys!

## Context
Little introduce to a context of the issue.
I have about **33 million rows** on a table. The table structure looks like that: `(id, date_time, list_id, item_id, modified_date_time, title, json)`

index: `list_id, modified_date_time`

## Issue

I did select query by `WHERE clause with list_id=? AND item_id=? AND modified_date_time=?`
And I've gotten a result for **150.7ms** on average, stdev: 3.59 ms, stderr: 0.804, ci 95%: 0.352.
For me it's too long.

I want to select a row of the table for less than **70ms**. Is it possible?

Does any body help me? What I should to do?

(2) By John Dennis (jdennis) on 2020-10-07 08:36:33 in reply to 1 [link]

How many of the 33 million rows are returned by the query which took 150.7ms? 
Have you tried adding item_id to the index, which would save having to go back to the base table to further restrict the results. For example, there might be 10 million rows matching list_id and modified_date_time, but only a tiny percent might also match item_id.

(3) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 10:03:17 in reply to 2 [link]

In my case only one row

(4) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 10:05:24 in reply to 2 [link]

Yes John, I've done experiments with several indexes such as index(list_id), index(modified_date_time), index(item_id) and index(list_id, modified, item_id).
And the result of the experiment the same.

(5) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2020-10-07 10:27:09 in reply to 4 [link]

Are there "other things" in the query in question?

Have you run ANALYZE?

(9) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 11:19:16 in reply to 5 [link]

No, there are not.
No, I have not run ANALYZE.

(8) By John Dennis (jdennis) on 2020-10-07 10:37:13 in reply to 4 [link]

If this still took an awfully long time with an index on three conditions in the query, then that sounds a bit odd. ANALYZE would be interesting? The RDBMS I am most familiar with used a statistical based query optimizer, but there were still odd queries which didn't make sense. What is the data distribution of the three columns in the condition? What happens if you try the index(list_id, modified, item_id) with the columns in different order?

(10) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 11:21:15 in reply to 8 [link]

I can create the index by different order of these fields. Are you sure can have some impact?

(22) By Simon Slavin (slavin) on 2020-10-07 13:40:07 in reply to 4 [link]

Assuming you have tying errors, the index

<code>(list_id, modified, item_id)</code>

should make the <code>SELECT</code> far faster.  The difference between having it and not having it should be *very* noticeable.  If this is not happening for you, something is wrong with your database.

Using the sqlite shell tool do this:

Delete all indexes.  Use <code>.timer on</code>.  Run the query without any indexes.  Create that index.  Then run <code>ANALYZE</code>.  It's just a SQLite command you execute like <code>CREATE INDEX</code>.  Then submit your query again and check whether the times have changed.  Post the timings for us to check.

(24) By Donald Griggs (dfgriggs) on 2020-10-07 18:02:18 in reply to 22 [link]

Regarding:  " It's just a SQLite command you execute like CREATE INDEX. "

I feel sure Simon was thinking of "EXPLAIN".  For the sqlite analyzer visit the download page:

<code>     <https://www.sqlite.org/download.html></code> 

and download the "bundle of command-line tools" for your machine, or compile from source as needed.

The analyzer is a separate program you'll run from your commandline ("terminal") as follows:

<code>     sqlite3_analyzer  filespecOfYourDatabase >MyAnalyzeOutput.txt</code>

Then post here the contents of MyAnalyzeOutput.txt, or link to it from somewhere like pastebin.com.

Unrelated question:  The field "attributes" is labeled JSON. Is this field's contents always small?

(25) By Adrian Ho (lexfiend) on 2020-10-08 06:21:38 in reply to 24 [link]

I'm pretty sure he literally meant `ANALYZE`. From https://sqlite.org/lang_analyze.html :

> The ANALYZE command gathers statistics about tables and indices and stores the collected information in internal tables of the database where the query optimizer can access the information and use it to help make better query planning choices.

`sqlite_analyzer` only tells you how bloated your database is, while `ANALYZE` actually works to improve performance.

(6) By Richard Hipp (drh) on 2020-10-07 10:29:16 in reply to 1 [link]

We want to see:

  1.  Your complete schema - the output of the ".fullschema" command from
      the CLI

  2.  The exact text of your query.

  3.  The result of running your query with "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN" prepended.

  4.  The output of running "sqlite3_analyzer.exe" on your database

(11.2) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 12:12:06 edited from 11.1 in reply to 6 [link]

1. CREATE TABLE item (
    date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    item_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    list_id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    unique_id VARCHAR(36),
    object_type INTEGER,
    author_id INTEGER,
    guid VARCHAR(36),
    editor_id INTEGER,
    created TIMESTAMP,
    folder VARCHAR(255),
    type VARCHAR(128),
    leaf_ref VARCHAR(64),
    uri VARCHAR(255),
    content_type VARCHAR(255),
    file_ref VARCHAR(255),
    title VARCHAR(128),
    modified TIMESTAMP,
    tag INTEGER,
    related VARCHAR(64),
    redirect VARCHAR(64),
    parent_guid VARCHAR(36),
    relocated INTEGER(1) DEFAULT 0,
    attributes JSON,
    keyword VARCHAR,
    deleted_date_time TIMESTAMP

2. I've showed that


4. I've run ANALYZE it didn't give some output

(7) By Wout Mertens (wmertens) on 2020-10-07 10:30:33 in reply to 1 [link]

* Did you run `ANALYZE`?
* What is the result of adding `EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN ` in front of your select query?
* What is the disk type, SSD I hope?
* your index of `(list_id, item_id)` still means scanning for modified_date_time, how many rows does it need to scan? Did you try adding the index `(list_id, item_id, modified_date_time)`?

(12) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 11:33:33 in reply to 7 [link]

- Please, help me. How I should run ANALYZE? I just do a query as ANALYZE?
- I put it above
- I'have 33 million rows of the table
- Yes, I did. I've created the index (list_id, item_id, modified_date_time). Is the order of these fields important?

(13) By Richard Hipp (drh) on 2020-10-07 11:43:16 in reply to 12 [link]

> Is the order of these fields important?

I don't know.  That depends on your schema and data, which you 
apparently cannot show us.

(14) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 12:09:19 in reply to 13 [link]

I've done an experiment with ordering these fields in INDEX. It doesn't matter.

(15) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 12:12:39 in reply to 13 [link]

I have only one table

    date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    item_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    list_id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    unique_id VARCHAR(36),
    object_type INTEGER,
    author_id INTEGER,
    guid VARCHAR(36),
    editor_id INTEGER,
    created TIMESTAMP,
    folder VARCHAR(255),
    type VARCHAR(128),
    leaf_ref VARCHAR(64),
    uri VARCHAR(255),
    content_type VARCHAR(255),
    file_ref VARCHAR(255),
    title VARCHAR(128),
    modified TIMESTAMP,
    tag INTEGER,
    related VARCHAR(64),
    redirect VARCHAR(64),
    parent_guid VARCHAR(36),
    relocated INTEGER(1) DEFAULT 0,
    attributes JSON,
    keyword VARCHAR,
    deleted_date_time TIMESTAMP

(17) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2020-10-07 12:33:31 in reply to 15 [link]

SQLite version 3.34.0 2020-10-07 11:31:14
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> CREATE TABLE item (
   ...>     date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
   ...>     item_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
   ...>     list_id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
   ...>     unique_id VARCHAR(36),
   ...>     object_type INTEGER,
   ...>     author_id INTEGER,
   ...>     guid VARCHAR(36),
   ...>     editor_id INTEGER,
   ...>     created TIMESTAMP,
   ...>     folder VARCHAR(255),
   ...>     type VARCHAR(128),
   ...>     leaf_ref VARCHAR(64),
   ...>     uri VARCHAR(255),
   ...>     content_type VARCHAR(255),
   ...>     file_ref VARCHAR(255),
   ...>     title VARCHAR(128),
   ...>     modified TIMESTAMP,
   ...>     tag INTEGER,
   ...>     related VARCHAR(64),
   ...>     redirect VARCHAR(64),
   ...>     parent_guid VARCHAR(36),
   ...>     relocated INTEGER(1) DEFAULT 0,
   ...>     attributes JSON,
   ...>     keyword VARCHAR,
   ...>     deleted_date_time TIMESTAMP
   ...> );
sqlite> create index item_index on item (list_id, item_id, modified);
sqlite> .eqp full
sqlite> select * from item where list_id='158a499e-4432-4073-a73b-9396cae17f42' and item_id=10209335 and modified=1500007910000;
`--SEARCH TABLE item USING INDEX item_index (list_id=? AND item_id=? AND modified=?) (~8 rows)
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     45    0                    0   Start at 45
1     OpenRead       0     2     0     25             2   root=2 iDb=0; item
2     ColumnsUsed    0     0     0     33554431       0
3     OpenRead       1     3     0     k(4,,,,)       2   root=3 iDb=0; item_index
4     ColumnsUsed    1     0     0     7              0
5     Explain        5     0     0     SEARCH TABLE item USING INDEX item_index (list_id=? AND item_id=? AND modified=?) (~8 rows)  0
6     Noop           0     0     0                    0   Begin WHERE-loop0: item
7     CursorHint     1     0     0     AND(AND(EQ(c0,'158a499e-4432-4073-a73b-9396cae17f42'),EQ(c1,10209335)),EQ(c2,63534568))  0
8     String8        0     1     0     158a499e-4432-4073-a73b-9396cae17f42  0   r[1]='158a499e-4432-4073-a73b-9396cae17f42'
9     Integer        10209335  2     0                    0   r[2]=10209335
10    Int64          0     3     0     1500007910000  0   r[3]=1500007910000
11    SeekGE         1     43    1     3              0   key=r[1..3]
12      IdxGT          1     43    1     3              0   key=r[1..3]
13      DeferredSeek   1     0     0                    0   Move 0 to 1.rowid if needed
14      Noop           0     0     0                    0   Begin WHERE-core
15      Column         0     0     4                    0   r[4]=item.date_time
16      Column         1     1     5                    0   r[5]=item.item_id
17      Column         1     0     6                    0   r[6]=item.list_id
18      Column         0     3     7                    0   r[7]=item.unique_id
19      Column         0     4     8                    0   r[8]=item.object_type
20      Column         0     5     9                    0   r[9]=item.author_id
21      Column         0     6     10                   0   r[10]=item.guid
22      Column         0     7     11                   0   r[11]=item.editor_id
23      Column         0     8     12                   0   r[12]=item.created
24      Column         0     9     13                   0   r[13]=item.folder
25      Column         0     10    14                   0   r[14]=item.type
26      Column         0     11    15                   0   r[15]=item.leaf_ref
27      Column         0     12    16                   0   r[16]=item.uri
28      Column         0     13    17                   0   r[17]=item.content_type
29      Column         0     14    18                   0   r[18]=item.file_ref
30      Column         0     15    19                   0   r[19]=item.title
31      Column         1     2     20                   0   r[20]=item.modified
32      Column         0     17    21                   0   r[21]=item.tag
33      Column         0     18    22                   0   r[22]=item.related
34      Column         0     19    23                   0   r[23]=item.redirect
35      Column         0     20    24                   0   r[24]=item.parent_guid
36      Column         0     21    25    0              0   r[25]=item.relocated
37      Column         0     22    26                   0   r[26]=item.attributes
38      Column         0     23    27                   0   r[27]=item.keyword
39      Column         0     24    28                   0   r[28]=item.deleted_date_time
40      ResultRow      4     25    0                    0   output=r[4..28]
41      Noop           0     0     0                    0   End WHERE-core
42    Next           1     12    1                    0
43    Noop           0     0     0                    0   End WHERE-loop0: item
44    Halt           0     0     0                    0
45    Transaction    0     0     2     0              1   usesStmtJournal=0
46    Goto           0     1     0                    0

(19) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2020-10-07 12:37:38 in reply to 15 [link]

What does the following return?

PRAGMA index_list(item);

(20.1) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 12:40:02 edited from 20.0 in reply to 19 [link]

sqlite> PRAGMA index_list(item);

(21) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 12:41:08 in reply to 20.1 [link]

CREATE INDEX idx_item_composite ON item (item_id,modified)

(16) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2020-10-07 12:25:16 in reply to 13 [link]

The range scan appears to only be using 1 value and testing 2 values for candidate exclusion.  Are we sure that the other indexes actually exist?

(18) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-07 12:34:50 in reply to 16 [link]

I've changed my approach. I split my data to their own table by **list_id** field.
And the result I don't use list_id in the SELECT query.
Of course I've created `index(item_id, modified)`

## Explain

sqlite> explain select * from item where item_id=? and modified=?;

(23) By Gunter Hick (gunter_hick) on 2020-10-07 14:28:39 in reply to 18 [link]

"I split my data to their own table by list_id field"

Does this mean that there are now a whole bunch of tables with identical structure and with the previous list_id as table names?

In that case, you would be searching SQLite's list of tables while preparing the statement, thus hiding much of the cost.

Table names are NOT data.

FWIW keeping the UUID in 16 byte blobs instead of the 36 byte canonical representation would cut the time required to compare them in half, with input and output handled by user defined functions

(26) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-08 14:43:51 in reply to 23

Yes, it means. 
Thank you Gunter about the UUID in 16 byte. I think it's useful for me.

(27) By Gunter Hick (gunter_hick) on 2020-10-08 16:54:53 in reply to 26 [link]

Please do not do that. It will most probably cause lots of problems down the line, much worse than waiting 150ms for a record access.

Please review your data type declarations;
- there is no DATETIME type in SQLite, use a definition appropriate to your platform (you seem to be using a numeric type)
- use BLOB for fields holding UUIDs and store them as 16byte integers
- put heavily referenced fields (key fields, WHERE clause fields, and commonly selected fields in that order) toward the front of the record
- put variable sized text and blob fields towards the end of the record
- if item_id is a "record number" and you want to use it as a foreign key and don't particularly care about its numerical value, consider declaring it INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (read up about the magic involved)

(29) By Artur (aaukhatov) on 2020-10-09 07:02:15 in reply to 27 [link]

I've changed the table schema

## Table Definition
    date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    item_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    list_id BLOB(16) NOT NULL,
    modified TIMESTAMP,
    unique_id BLOB(16),
    guid BLOB(16),
    parent_guid BLOB(16),
    object_type INTEGER,
    author_id INTEGER,
    editor_id INTEGER,
    created TIMESTAMP,
    folder VARCHAR(128),
    type VARCHAR(128),
    file_leaf_ref VARCHAR(64),
    uri VARCHAR(255),
    content_type VARCHAR(128),
    file_ref VARCHAR(128),
    title VARCHAR(128),
    etag INTEGER,
    related_document VARCHAR(64),
    server_redirect VARCHAR(64),
    relocated INTEGER(1) DEFAULT 0,
    tax_keyword VARCHAR,
    deleted_date_time TIMESTAMP,
    unrecognized_attributes JSON


sqlite> SELECT *
   ...> FROM item
   ...> WHERE list_id='3ef58f02-5f41-43b6-890d-091afb4738eb' AND item_id=70 AND modified=1592085845000;
`--SEARCH TABLE item USING INDEX idx_item_item_id_and_modified (item_id=? AND modified=?)
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     38    0                    00  Start at 38
1     OpenRead       0     2     0     25             00  root=2 iDb=0; item
2     OpenRead       1     5     0     k(3,,,)        02  root=5 iDb=0; idx_item_item_id_and_modified
3     Integer        70    1     0                    00  r[1]=70
4     Int64          0     2     0     1592085845000  00  r[2]=1592085845000
5     SeekGE         1     37    1     2              00  key=r[1..2]
6       IdxGT          1     37    1     2              00  key=r[1..2]
7       DeferredSeek   1     0     0                    00  Move 0 to 1.rowid if needed
8       Column         0     2     3                    00  r[3]=item.list_id
9       Ne             4     36    3     (BINARY)       51  if r[3]!=r[4] goto 36
10      Column         0     0     5                    00  r[5]=item.date_time
11      Column         1     0     6                    00  r[6]=item.item_id
12      Column         0     2     7                    00  r[7]=item.list_id
13      Column         1     1     8                    00  r[8]=item.modified
14      Column         0     4     9                    00  r[9]=item.unique_id
15      Column         0     5     10                   00  r[10]=item.guid
16      Column         0     6     11                   00  r[11]=item.parent_guid
17      Column         0     7     12                   00  r[12]=item.object_type
18      Column         0     8     13                   00  r[13]=item.author_id
19      Column         0     9     14                   00  r[14]=item.editor_id
20      Column         0     10    15                   00  r[15]=item.created
21      Column         0     11    16                   00  r[16]=item.folder
22      Column         0     12    17                   00  r[17]=item.type
23      Column         0     13    18                   00  r[18]=item.file_leaf_ref
24      Column         0     14    19                   00  r[19]=item.uri
25      Column         0     15    20                   00  r[20]=item.content_type
26      Column         0     16    21                   00  r[21]=item.file_ref
27      Column         0     17    22                   00  r[22]=item.title
28      Column         0     18    23                   00  r[23]=item.etag
29      Column         0     19    24                   00  r[24]=item.related_document
30      Column         0     20    25                   00  r[25]=item.server_redirect
31      Column         0     21    26    0              00  r[26]=item.relocated
32      Column         0     22    27                   00  r[27]=item.tax_keyword
33      Column         0     23    28                   00  r[28]=item.deleted_date_time
34      Column         0     24    29                   00  r[29]=item.unrecognized_attributes
35      ResultRow      5     25    0                    00  output=r[5..29]
36    Next           1     6     1                    00
37    Halt           0     0     0                    00
38    Transaction    0     0     4     0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
39    String8        0     4     0     3ef58f02-5f41-43b6-890d-091afb4738eb  00  r[4]='3ef58f02-5f41-43b6-890d-091afb4738eb'
40    Goto           0     1     0                    00

(30) By Gunter Hick (gunter_hick) on 2020-10-09 07:39:49 in reply to 29 [link]

All you have changed is the declared type of the list_id column, which only defines the preferred type for storing values. 

You have not changed the format of the data you store there, which is quite obvious from the "list_id='3ef58f02-5f41-43b6-890d-091afb4738eb' part of the where clause.

You also still do not have a usable index that includes list_id, which is obvious from the "USING INDEX idx_item_item_id_and_modified (item_id=? AND modified=?)" part of the query plan.

See https://sqlite.org/datatype3.html for a discussion of data types in SQLite.

This means you are still looking through all the records with item_id = 70 and modified at a certain time to find out if your target list is included.

(31) By Kevin Youren (KevinYouren) on 2020-10-10 01:27:26 in reply to 29 [link]


I suggest you need more information about the number of list_id's, item_id's and modified's.

Sometimes people use the term CARDINALITY for these counts.

So, start with list_id, which is one form of a UUID. The UUID consists of the digits 0 thru 9 and the letters a thru f or A thru F. The hyphen, '-', is merely for human readability.

select count(*) from
(select distinct list_id from item)

Repeat for "modified" and "item_ids".

(28) By Keith Medcalf (kmedcalf) on 2020-10-08 19:09:26 in reply to 18 [link]

Yes, as you can see from the VDBE code, that is using 2 columns for the index scan and doing no subsequent "culling" of the candidates obtained from the index scan.

This is different from your original example where the VDBE code shows that only a ONE column index was being used for the index scan and that TWO constraints were being used to cull the candidates from the index scan.

This would imply that although you thought you had a usable index on all three columns, that you did not and that in fact the only usable index was a single column index.

Since we cannot see your schema which likely does not contain an index that is more useful than the one chosen, we are not able to help.