SQLite Forum

File .db always locked using EF6 / WebApi (.Net)

File .db always locked using EF6 / WebApi (.Net)

(1) By MaRaNtZ (marantz) on 2020-04-15 11:27:23 [link]

Hi guys.

I have a problem with SQLite that is making me dizzy.

The environment is rather complex. I uses an IIS server that access a SQLite database using Entity Framework EF6 for Dot.Net.

The specific provider i use is System.Data.SQLite.EF6 


As far as i access the database writing something to it, the DB remain locked, and the only way to unlock it is bringing down IIS session!

I know some "connection pool" are probably in use, and this is good, because i always access the DB using disconnected recordset via WebApi, but i wonder if exist a way, a low level call, whatseover, to ABRUPTALLY CLOSE/KILL ALL DB CONNECTIONS and release the file, for maintenance purposes.

Typical usage pattern is with "Using" c# statement, so i'm pretty sure everything is disposed, including the EF6 connection

        public List<behaviour> LoadBehaviours()
            using (var ShapeDb = ShapeDbEntities(true))
                return new List<behaviour>(ShapeDb.behaviours);

I have attempted to close the collection pool using this:

        public static void CloseAllConnectionPools()
            if (SQLiteConnection.ConnectionPool!=null)

But this do not work.

Is it possible to drill down to SQLite core api and force releasing of pending connections ??

Paolo Marani, Italy

(2) By Gunter Hick (gunter_hick) on 2020-04-16 10:56:13 in reply to 1

If the actual return code from SQLite ist SQLITE_BUSY, this would indicate that whatever you are doing to "write to the database" is not properly closing the Transaction. E.g. you (or the wrapper) are doing

INSERT …; and/or UPDATE …;

and never get round to


and terminating the IIS Session will imply ROLLBACK, i.e. the data you were writing has "misteriously disappeared" when you reconnect.