SQLite Forum

SQL to return list of PRAGMAs
Using version 3.35.1 <u>out of the box</u> (i.e. neither loading any extension nor defining any functions), consider this session:

SQLite version 3.35.1 2021-03-15 16:53:57
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select count(*) from pragma_function_list where builtin != 1;
sqlite> select * from pragma_function_list where name like 'geo%';
name                    builtin  type  enc   narg  flags
----------------------  -------  ----  ----  ----  -------
geopoly_regular         0        s     utf8  4     2099200
geopoly_contains_point  0        s     utf8  3     2099200
geopoly_debug           0        s     utf8  1     524288
geopoly_bbox            0        s     utf8  1     2099200
geopoly_overlap         0        s     utf8  2     2099200
geopoly_xform           0        s     utf8  7     2099200
geopoly_svg             0        s     utf8  -1    2099200
geopoly_area            0        s     utf8  1     2099200
geopoly_blob            0        s     utf8  1     2099200
geopoly_within          0        s     utf8  2     2099200
geopoly_json            0        s     utf8  1     2099200
geopoly_ccw             0        s     utf8  1     2099200
geopoly_group_bbox      0        a     utf8  1     2099200
So, the geo* functions are <b>NOT</b> <i>written and maintained by the authors of SQLite3</i> (as you so succinctly described) and I did not add/define them.

1. Where do they come from?
2. Can they be used outright?
3. Can they be used subject to some other configuration oe pre-condition?