SQLite Forum

sqlite3_exec: the 3rd argument
>so it would be educational for you to say why.

I thought that anyone willing or capable of troubleshooting code will be able to [create the code](https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/0eb0c71581?t=h) without any problems.

On the other hand, it would make sense to use the same code as myself; therefore, the request for code is valid.

> I can build the app and run it without any address faults

<b>Thank you very much</b> for doing this and relaying the outcome.<sup> As I've mentioned somewhere above, I've run out of options for fixing the error I'm encountering</sup>

I am using <b>Console App(.Net Framework)</b> and <b>32-bit SQLite3.DLL.</b>

I'll try to re-create your setup (.Net Core & 64-bit SQLite3) and report back if I can also re-create your outcome, namely, success!

Switching to .Net Core is a sound idea but I need to be working with 32-bit SQLite3 my reasons will be clearer when I provide feedback ... more soon.