SQLite Forum

Disk I/O error on cifs volume
@wyoung I don't have access to the actual CIFS host machine, just indirectly through the mounted drive. This is done automatically by Azure and it's mounted on /home (any data outside /home is not persisted). The actual app service host and CIFS host are both on the same data center for sure.

For reference, the app service code is located on /home/site/wwwroot and the sqlite database on /home/site/wwwroot/data).

This is how the CIFS volume was mounted (anonymized the output):

mount -l -t cifs
//10.0.AAA.BB/volume-CC-default/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb on /home type cifs (rw,relatime