SQLite Forum

Wishing for UPSERT syntax sugar
Hi. With `INSERT or REPLACE`, a many column insert statement names the columns once

insert into tab
( nk1,  nk2,  ... // Natural Key columns
, col1, col2, ... // "Normal" columns
, colA, colB, ... // More "Normal" columns
) values
( ?,    ?,    ...
, ?,    ?,    ...
, ?,    ?,    ...

But with `UPSERT`, which is superior IMO to the older `INSERT or REPLACE`, you have to name the columns 3 times:

insert into tab
( nk1,  nk2,  ...
, col1, col2, ...
, colA, colB, ...
) values
( ?,    ?,    ...
, ?,    ?,    ...
, ?,    ?,    ...
on conflict (nk1, nk2, ...)
do update set
  col1 = excluded.col1
, col2 = excluded.col2
, ...
, colA = excluded.colA
, colB = excluded.colB
, ...

Could there not be some kind of *syntax sugar* that automatically SETs all columns from the *insert* portion  
which are not part of the `on conflict` list? Perhaps something like:
on conflict (nk1, nk2, ...)
do update set *

Possibly followed by more assignment-expressions, assuming for example a `cnt` (*count*) column defaulted to 1 on insert:
on conflict (nk1, nk2, ...)
do update set *, cnt = cnt + 1

And if `cnt` was not defaulted but part of the original insert, the `cnt =` would implicitly remove it form the `set *`,  
similar to the columns in `on conflict` being removed (their values are unchanged, no need to rewrite them).

Just thinking aloud. I just found the syntax on the *heavy* side with many columns. WDYT?