SQLite Forum

Query data between dates
From the [Quirks page](https://www.sqlite.org/quirks.html#no_separate_datetime_datatype)

3.2. No Separate DATETIME Datatype

SQLite has no DATETIME datatype. Instead, dates and times can be stored in any of these ways:

- As a TEXT string in the ISO-8601 format. Example: '2018-04-02 12:13:46'.
- As an INTEGER number of seconds since 1970 (also known as "unix time").
- As a REAL value that is the fractional Julian day number. 

The built-in date and time functions of SQLite understand date/times in all of the formats above, and can freely change between them. Which format you use, is entirely up to your application.

Also see [Date And Time Functions](https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html)