SQLite Forum

Strange parsing problem in the shell
Thanks; I will experiment a bit further. Just one quick note, though: `tail -r` works fine on macOS. It does not on linux, which I assume is where you ran your experiment. On (most? all?) linux system you have the `tac` command that does the same thing: It collects lines from stdin and outputs them in reverse order.

So no, I don't buy the hypothesis that my problem arises from a failed pipeline. 

I cooked up a simpler example. I think it shows more clearly that the problem does not arise from the complexity of the pipeline nor from any error in the pipeline, but from the presence of the backslash-escaped  double quote.

⬥ cat tt.csv
⬥ sqlite3 tt.db
SQLite version 3.37.0 2021-09-24 16:38:15
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> create table tt(date,x,y);
sqlite> .import -csv "|grep '^\"2' tt.csv" tt
sqlite> select 42;

⬥ sqlite3 tt.db
SQLite version 3.37.0 2021-09-24 16:38:15
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select * from tt;

⬥ sqlite3 tt.db
SQLite version 3.37.0 2021-09-24 16:38:15
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .import -csv "|grep '^.2' tt.csv" tt
sqlite> select * from tt;

Edited to add an even simpler example. It seems that an *odd number* of occurrences of `\"` within the double quoted argument is the crux here:

⬥ sqlite3 tt.db
SQLite version 3.37.0 2021-09-24 16:38:15
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> drop table tt;
sqlite> create table tt(x);
sqlite> .import -csv "|echo '\"hi there\"'" tt
sqlite> select * from tt;
hi there
sqlite> .import -csv "|echo '\"hi there\"' | tr -d '\"'" tt
sqlite> select * from tt;