SQLite Forum

Is the order conserved in a table from a VALUES clause?
In SQLite 3.24.0, both versions (inside/outside CTE) generate identical code. Maybe there is a difference if the CTE is used in a JOIN instead of directly, so the difference between "natural order" (inside cte) and "explicit order" (outside cte) becomes visible.

explain with t(ord, val) as (values (1, 'two'), (2, 'one'), (3, 'five')) select val from t order by ord;
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     1     0                    00  NULL
1     InitCoroutine  1     12    2                    00  NULL
2     Integer        1     2     0                    00  NULL
3     String8        0     3     0     two            00  NULL
4     Yield          1     0     0                    00  NULL
5     Integer        2     2     0                    00  NULL
6     String8        0     3     0     one            00  NULL
7     Yield          1     0     0                    00  NULL
8     Integer        3     2     0                    00  NULL
9     String8        0     3     0     five           00  NULL
10    Yield          1     0     0                    00  NULL
11    EndCoroutine   1     0     0                    00  NULL
12    SorterOpen     1     3     0     k(1,B)         00  NULL
13    InitCoroutine  1     0     2                    00  NULL
14      Yield          1     20    0                    00  NULL
15      Copy           3     7     0                    00  NULL
16      Copy           2     6     0                    00  NULL
17      MakeRecord     6     2     8                    00  NULL
18      SorterInsert   1     8     6     2              00  NULL
19    Goto           0     14    0                    00  NULL
20    OpenPseudo     2     9     3                    00  NULL
21    SorterSort     1     26    0                    00  NULL
22      SorterData     1     9     2                    00  NULL
23      Column         2     1     7                    00  NULL
24      ResultRow      7     1     0                    00  NULL
25    SorterNext     1     22    0                    00  NULL
26    Halt           0     0     0                    00  NULL