SQLite Forum

BUG: Wrong line endings of shell.c prevent debugging on Windows
Apologies for lack of detail. I'm unable to edit original message as I've posted anonymously (would be nice if Fossil left a cookie to let me do that or claim the post).

# Environment

- Windows 10 20H2
- Active code page (chcp): 437
- magicsplat-tcl-tk
- git
- Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.8.2

# Steps
# Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019
git clone https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite.git
cd sqlite
mkdir Debug
cd Debug
nmake /f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=..

At this point shell.c has mix of different EOL styles including a lot of the `\r\r\n`.

For actual debugging I'm importing project from existing code in VS under name 'sqlite3' and following build commands in `sqlite3.vcxproj`:

  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
    <NMakeFlags>/f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=.. DEBUG=3 USE_AMALGAMATION=0 DYNAMIC_SHELL=0</NMakeFlags>
    <NMakeBuildCommandLine>cd $(OutDir) &amp;&amp; nmake $(NMakeFlags)</NMakeBuildCommandLine>
    <NMakeCleanCommandLine>cd $(OutDir) &amp;&amp; nmake $(NMakeFlags) clean</NMakeCleanCommandLine>
    <NMakeReBuildCommandLine>cd $(OutDir) &amp;&amp; nmake $(NMakeFlags) clean core</NMakeReBuildCommandLine>

and then simple F5 does the trick