SQLite Forum

STRICT tables and UNIQUE indices
How about adding in another column used as a boolean that says whether you have an actual value for that?

Where column "b" is your column needing the "non value" value (for this example -1), then how about something like:

create table foo (
    a not null,
    b not null,
    b_is_unknown not null
        check (b_is_unknown in (0, 1)),
    check (case when b_is_unknown then b = -1 end)
create unique index foo_idx on foo (a, b, b_is_unknown);

sqlite> insert into foo values (1, 2, 0); -- normal value
sqlite> insert into foo values (1, 2, 0); -- can't dupcliate normal values
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: foo.a, foo.b, foo.b_is_unknown
sqlite> insert into foo values (1, 2, 1); -- using bad value for unknown
Error: CHECK constraint failed: case when b_is_unknown then b = -1 end
sqlite> insert into foo values (1, -1, 1); -- proper unknown value
sqlite> insert into foo values (1, -1, 0); -- -1 is an actual value here
sqlite> insert into foo values (1, -1, 1); -- can't submit 2 unknown b's with the same a
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: foo.a, foo.b, foo.b_is_unknown
sqlite> insert into foo values (1, 2, -1); -- bad value for b_is_unknown flag
Error: CHECK constraint failed: b_is_unknown in (0, 1)