SQLite Forum

Forum: Some annoyances...
> So far there have been only two(?) users who have lobbied for newsgroup-style access. With rare exceptions, features in Fossil are added because they scratch a volunteer contributor's itch. Without a contributor who's itched by the lack of newsgroup support, it's unlikely to ever happen.

Indeed, that seems to be the case; robert is one of them, and I am the other. I am willing to help with the implementation of NNTP in Fossil, although I cannot because I am unable to provide the signed contributor agreement (even though I agree with most of it; the only part I disagree with is the part that they may copyright it (although I may be misunderstanding it; the second line of item 1 says the author can do stuff as though he is the sole owner of the contribution, while the fourth line of item 1 suggests something else, but depending on what is intended, this fourth line could be improved to indicate such, although I don't know what is meant exactly so it can be helpful to clarify please); I insist that my work will be in the public domain, although I am OK with them using it as derivative works and copyrighting that themself and giving me nothing in exchange; however, the reason I cannot sign it is unrelated to whether I agree with it or not). If there is information about which files I should need to use the functions to read artifacts and user permissions, and to be able to write new artifacts (and compute the contents of the Z card), then I could make a separate program which can access the Fossil repository database to use with NNTP, also which would be public domain.