SQLite Forum

SELECT question
I have 2 tables from which I'm trying to extract data, but having some problems with the query.
id integer not null primary key autoincrement,
authorid integer,
docid integer,
title text,
source text,
pubyear integer,
notes text,
author text,
filename text);

CREATE TABLE keywords (
id integer not null primary key autoincrement,
keyword text,
authorid integer,
docid integer);

What I would like is to select the most recent 5 titles, along with ANY/ALL keywords attached to them.
The closest I can get is:
select docs.id, title,author,source,docs.authorid,docs.docid,keyword,keywords.authorid,keywords.docid from docs,keywords where docs.authorid=keywords.authorid and docs.docid=keywords.docid  order by docs.id desc limit 5;
49|Redeeming Charles Babbage's Mechanical Computer|Swade,Doron D.|Scientific American 1993-02|1009|1|Computer Technology|1009|1
49|Redeeming Charles Babbage's Mechanical Computer|Swade,Doron D.|Scientific American 1993-02|1009|1|Difference Engine|1009|1
49|Redeeming Charles Babbage's Mechanical Computer|Swade,Doron D.|Scientific American 1993-02|1009|1|Engineering|1009|1
48|A Partly True Story|Stewart,Ian|Scientific American 1993-02|1008|1|Fuzzy Logic|1008|1
48|A Partly True Story|Stewart,Ian|Scientific American 1993-02|1008|1|Mathematics|1008|1
However, the 'limit by' seems applied to the title only, not the final result as above. I don't know ahead of time how many keywords each title may have - most are > 1. 

In any case I would like the most recent 5 titles plus their attached keywords. 

I'm sure this can be done in a single SQL query but so far it has escaped me. Any advice / suggestions greatly appreciated.