SQLite Forum

How do create the neat flow diagrams for SQLite?
Like _doug9forester_, I have a project for which this style of diagram seems ideal, and have encountered the same trouble with captions not fitting within containers. I feel there should (or even must) be some parameter which sets limits to the "ballooning", as I notice that the containers are shrunk to fit any very short captions.

I'm also wondering how to specify a rectangular shape for some of the bubbles.

Exploring the code, I've worked out how to specify the _-data_ file on the command line, and
also how to hand-code the diagrams in this file. Details are below, in the hope that someone may find this information helpful.

At the top of the file _bubble-generator.tcl_, Instead of

set datafile [file join [file dirname [info script]] bubble-generator-data.tcl]
source $datafile

I've put the following

if {$argc == 0} {
set datafile [file join [file dirname [info script]] bubble-generator-data.tcl]
} else {
set datafile [lindex $argv 0]
source $datafile

And my data file currently looks like what appears below.

# Graphs:
set all_graphs {
  ipv4-resolution {
      line /hostname
          {line {toploop
                  }}}} A /ipv4-address-set
  ipv6-resolution {
      line /hostname
          {line {loop
                      }}}} AAAA /ipv6-address-set
