SQLite Forum

The above check-in ensures the necessary define (`SQLITE_UDL_CAPABLE_PARSER`) is "baked-in" to the amalgamation if `SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT` is defined when creating the amalgamation...

...on a slightly related matter, there was a [recent thread](https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/2aa828527c) where someone was trying to compile the amalgamation with some of the several `SQLITE_OMIT_xxx` options that only work when building from the canonical sources. Given this crops up every now and again (and despite it being documented at [Options To Omit Features](https://sqlite.org/compile.html#_options_to_omit_features)), would it be sensible/possible to include in amalgamations assembled _without_ such options something like:

#error SQLITE_OMIT_PRAGMA must be defined when building the amalgamation

In light of (my emphasis):

> Important Note: The `SQLITE_OMIT_*` options **may** not work with the amalgamation. `SQLITE_OMIT_*` compile-time options **usually** work correctly only when SQLite is built from canonical source files.

from the above page, you _may_ only want to do this for "omit" options that are _known_ not to work properly with the amalgamation, or – if it's (justifiably) felt trying to keep track of which ones won't work / might work / will work is too much trouble, you could decide to "ban" all the "omit" options unless applied to the canonical sources.

(If something like this has already been considered and rejected, then please ignore this post!)