SQLite Forum



(1) By anonymous on 2020-12-13 15:30:39

Is there a query or a property that I can interrogate from the CLI that will tell me whether I am using the 32- or 64-bit version?

(2.1) By Larry Brasfield (LarryBrasfield) on 2020-12-14 12:34:50 edited from 2.0 in reply to 1 [link]

(Edited to avoid backslash molesting in code block.)

The SQLite CLI shell does not have such a feature.

However, the following Perl program would tell you (if run by Perl.)
my $usage = <<'_';
  exetype <Exe-file> ...
For each file named, emit one line giving its name and .exe machine type.
use strict;
use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl 'SEEK_SET';

if (@ARGV == 0){
    print $usage;

my %machineTypes = (
    0x0 => 'Other',
    0x1d3 => 'Matsushita AM33',
    0x8664 => 'AMD/Intel x64',
    0x1c0 => 'ARM little endian',
    0xaa64 => 'ARM64 little endian',
    0x1c4 => 'ARM Thumb-2 little endian',
    0xebc => 'EFI byte code',
    0x14c => 'Intel/AMD i386+',
    0x200 => 'Intel Itanium processor family',
    0x9041 => 'Mitsubishi M32R little endian',
    0x266 => 'MIPS16',
    0x366 => 'MIPS with FPU',
    0x466 => 'MIPS16 with FPU',
    0x1f0 => 'Power PC little endian',
    0x1f1 => 'Power PC with floating point support',
    0x166 => 'MIPS little endian',
    0x5032 => 'RISC-V 32-bit address space',
    0x5064 => 'RISC-V 64-bit address space',
    0x5128 => 'RISC-V 128-bit address space',
    0x1a2 => 'Hitachi SH3',
    0x1a3 => 'Hitachi SH3 DSP',
    0x1a6 => 'Hitachi SH4',
    0x1a8 => 'Hitachi SH5',
    0x1c2 => 'Thumb',
    0x169 => 'MIPS little-endian WCE v2'
my $efh;
my $coffOffset;
foreach my $efn (@ARGV){
    if (!sysopen($efh, $efn, 'O_RDONLY')){
	print stderr "Cannot read $efn\\n";
    my $pos = sysseek($efh, 0x3c, SEEK_SET);
    my $nr = sysread($efh, $coffOffset, 2);
    if ($nr != 2){
	print "$efn\\tOther\\n";
    my $cos = unpack('S', $coffOffset);
    $pos = sysseek($efh, $cos, SEEK_SET);
    my ($peSig, $peNs, $machine);
    $nr = sysread($efh, $peSig, 2);
    $nr += sysread($efh, $peNs, 2);
    $nr += sysread($efh, $machine, 2);
    my $ns = unpack('S', $peNs);
    if ($nr == 6 && $ns == 0 && $peSig eq 'PE'){
	my $mtype = unpack('S', $machine);
	my $mt = $machineTypes{$mtype};
	if (!defined($mt)){ $mt = 'Other'; }
	printf("$efn\\tPE(%s)\\n", $mt);
	print "$efn\\tOther\\n";

(3) By Gisbert (gisbert) on 2020-12-14 12:06:15 in reply to 2.0 [link]

It seems a lot of backslashes in the Perl code were lost in transit.