SQLite Forum

cannot start a transaction within a transaction using sqlite shell
I wanted to test transaction concurrency using the sqlite shell.  So, I created a simple database.  Note that this is on debian so the sqlite shell is sqlite3.  

    sqlite3 test.db 'create table foo(bar);'

Then, I created a writer loop to make a bunch of tiny transactions:

    for n in `seq 1000000`; do echo "begin transaction; insert into foo values($n);end;" ;done | sqlite3 test.db

Note that this is a bunch of transactions in a single session, using a single sqlite shell instance which presumably keeps the database attached.

Then, in another terminal, I tried to truncate the table. I expected that this should either fail, if the database is in a transaction, or succeed if the database is not in a transaction.  

    while ! sqlite3 test.db 'delete from foo;'; do true ; done

As expected, this spawns a bunch of sqlite3 processes sequentially, each one attempting to start a write transaction.  Eventually one delete transaction succeeds, and the table is truncated;  However, then in the other window, the rest of the statements fail with:
    Error: near line 999998: cannot start a transaction within a transaction

So, my question is this:  How is there an error message about starting a transaction within a transaction?  There's an explicit begin and end for each transaction, and on the other side, the delete operation with truncate optimization should be an implicit transaction.  I also notice that if I do each insert in a separate sqlite3 process invocation like so:

    for n in `seq 1000000`; do echo "begin transaction; insert into foo values($n);end;" | sqlite3 test.db ;done

Then I don't receive the error about transactions within transactions.

Brian Minton