SQLite Forum

**I'd consider that a bug myself**, unlike Simon and Keith, because SQLite strives for PostgreSQL compatibility, and PostgreSQL gets this right:

[ddevienne@nemo ~]$ psql
Password for user ddevienne:
psql (11.2, server 12.0)
WARNING: psql major version 11, server major version 12.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.

ddevienne=> create table t (v text);
ddevienne=> insert into t values ('100%'), ('100 percent');
ddevienne=> select v from t;
 100 percent
(2 rows)

ddevienne=> select v from t where v like '100%%' escape '%';
(1 row)

I had a quick look at SQLite's impl (which as a reminder, just in case,  
is nicely exposed as a public API, `sqlite3_strlike()`), and this is because  
that impl attempts to first *compress* the *like-pattern* to consecutive  
`matchAll` characters (`'%'` here), **before** testing the `matchOther` escape-character:

static int patternCompare(
  const u8 *zPattern,              /* The glob pattern */
  const u8 *zString,               /* The string to compare against the glob */
  const struct compareInfo *pInfo, /* Information about how to do the compare */
  u32 matchOther                   /* The escape char (LIKE) or '[' (GLOB) */
  u32 c, c2;                       /* Next pattern and input string chars */
  u32 matchOne = pInfo->matchOne;  /* "?" or "_" */
  u32 matchAll = pInfo->matchAll;  /* "*" or "%" */
  u8 noCase = pInfo->noCase;       /* True if uppercase==lowercase */
  const u8 *zEscaped = 0;          /* One past the last escaped input char */
  while( (c = Utf8Read(zPattern))!=0 ){
    if( c==matchAll ){  /* Match "*" */
      /* Skip over multiple "*" characters in the pattern.  If there
      ** are also "?" characters, skip those as well, but consume a
      ** single character of the input string for each "?" skipped */
      while( (c=Utf8Read(zPattern)) == matchAll || c == matchOne ){

The fact the doc never mentions the escape character cannot be `'%'`  
puts this in the fuzzy *unspecified* category, but again, Richard usually  
considers PostgreSQL as the reference, so I hope he'll fix this. --DD