SQLite Forum

Apps development using sqlite

Apps development using sqlite

(1) By lionel (lionel11) on 2021-06-09 17:47:01

Hi, i have started a desktop app development and i want to known with language of programmation will be good for sqlite.? Because i want to use sqlite as embbeded database. Thanks.

(2) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2021-06-09 17:59:10 in reply to 1 [link]

> ...  i want to known with language of programmation will be good for sqlite.?

Nearly every single programming language out there has *at least* one sqlite binding, so the question largely boils down to how suitable any given language is for whatever other features you want. No matter what language you choose, you'll be able to use sqlite with it. (There are very, very few exceptions to that, and no mainstream-language exceptions which i'm aware of.)