SQLite Forum

Use of RETURNING clause as a subquery
Using this table,<code>
</code>, (lifted from [RETURNING](https://www.sqlite.org/draft/lang_returning.html) ), and having another table,<code>
  create table t0log (whenCreated text, what integer);
</code>, I am trying to insert into t0log the results returned by this INSERT statement,<code>
 INSERT INTO t0(c) VALUES(random()) RETURNING b,c;
</code>. The fact that DML with a RETURNING clause produces results, just as select statements do, leads me to believe that inserting them into t0log should be possible. This [page on PostgreSQL SELECT](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-select.html) substantiates my notion that DML with a RETURNING clause may be used as a subquery (in PostgreSQL at least. See the with_query use and expansion at [PostgreSQL SELECT](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-select.html).)

I have tried mightily, with SQLite version 3.35.0 2021-02-03 13:52:17, to get the RETURNING feature to produce something usable as a subquery that can be used in further (or "outer") operations rather then just producing a result set.

For example, this fails:<code>
 sqlite> with stuffer as (INSERT INTO t0(c) VALUES(random()) RETURNING b,c) select b,c from stuffer;
 Error: near "INSERT": syntax error

These are fine:<code>
  insert into t0log (whenCreated,what) select b,c from t0;
  with stuffed as (select b,c from t0) select b,c from stuffed;
</code>, but this is not:<code>
  sqlite> insert into t0log (whenCreated,what) with stuffer as (INSERT INTO t0(c) VALUES(random()) RETURNING b,c) select b,c;
  Error: near "INSERT": syntax error

At this point, I conclude that either: (1) I am doing this wrongly; (2) my notion is ill-founded that adding a RETURNING clause to some DML makes that DML into something with further use like a subquery or table-valued function; or (3) SQLite is not yet able to do more with RETURNING clause results than make them available to column value retrieval via the API.

Any thoughts as to which of those 3 cases applies is welcome. Especially welcome would be an incantation that makes DML with a RETURNING clause into something able to participate in containing DML statements. (I must admit that it was this latter utility that had me excited about the new RETURNING feature.)