*** DRAFT ***
SQLite Release 3.28.0 On 6
- Enhanced window functions:
- Add support the EXCLUDE clause.
- Add support for window chaining.
- Add support for GROUPS frames.
- Add support for "<expr> PRECEDING" and
"<expr> FOLLOWING" boundaries
in RANGE frames.
- Added the new sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(S) interface for determining
whether or not a prepared statement is an EXPLAIN.
- Enhanced VACUUM INTO so that it works for read-only databases.
- New query optimizations:
- Enable the LIKE optimization for cases when the ESCAPE keyword
is present and PRAGMA case_sensitive_like is on.
- In queries that are driven by a partial index, avoid unnecessary
tests of the constraint named in the WHERE clause of the partial
index, since we know that constraint must always be true.
- Enhancements to the TCL Interface:
- Added the -returntype option to the function method.
- Added the new bind_fallback method.
- Enhancements to the CLI:
- Added support for bound parameters and the .parameter command.
- Fix the readfile() function so that it returns
an empty BLOB rather than throwing an out-of-memory error when
reading an empty file.
- Fix the writefile() function so that when it
creates new directories along the path of a new file, it gives them
umask permissions rather than the same permissions as the file.
- Change --update option in the .archive command so that it skips
files that are already in the archive and are unchanged. Add the
new --insert option that works like --update used to work.
- Added the fossildelta.c
extension that can create, apply, and deconstruct the
Fossil DVCS file delta format
that is used by the RBU extension.
- Added the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA verb for the sqlite3_db_config()
interface, that does the same work as PRAGMA writable_schema without using the
SQL parser.
- Added the sqlite3_value_frombind() API for determining if the argument
to an SQL function is from a bound parameter.
- Security and compatibilities enhancements to fts3_tokenizer():
- The fts3_tokenizer() function always returns NULL
unless either the legacy application-defined FTS3 tokenizers interface
are enabled using
setting, or unless the first argument to fts3_tokenizer() is a bound parameter.
- The two-argument version of fts3_tokenizer() accepts a pointer to the
tokenizer method object even without
the sqlite3_db_config(SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER) setting
if the second argument is a bound parameter
- Improved robustness against corrupt database files.
- Miscellaneous performance enhancements
- Established a Git mirror of the offical SQLite source tree.
The canonical sources for SQLite are maintained using the
Fossil DVCS at https://sqlite.org/src.
The Git mirror can be seen at https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: 2019-04-16 19:49:53 884b4b7e502b4e991677b53971277adfaf0a04a284f8e483e2553d0f83156b50
- SHA3-256 for sqlite3.c: 411efca996b65448d9798eb203d6ebe9627b7161a646f5d00911e2902a57b2e9
A complete list of SQLite releases
in a single page and a chronology are both also available.
A detailed history of every
check-in is available at
SQLite version control site.
*** DRAFT ***