These constants are the available integer configuration options that
can be passed as the second parameter to the sqlite3_db_config() interface.
New configuration options may be added in future releases of SQLite.
Existing configuration options might be discontinued. Applications
should check the return code from sqlite3_db_config() to make sure that
the call worked. The sqlite3_db_config() interface will return a
non-zero error code if a discontinued or unsupported configuration option
is invoked.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE option is used to adjust the
configuration of the lookaside memory allocator within a database
The arguments to the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE option are not
in the usual format.
The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE option takes three arguments, not two,
so that a call to sqlite3_db_config() that uses SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE
should have a total of five parameters.
The first argument ("buf") is a
pointer to a memory buffer to use for lookaside memory.
The first argument may be NULL in which case SQLite will allocate the
lookaside buffer itself using sqlite3_malloc().
The second argument ("sz") is the
size of each lookaside buffer slot. Lookaside is disabled if "sz"
is less than 8. The "sz" argument should be a multiple of 8 less than
65536. If "sz" does not meet this constraint, it is reduced in size until
it does.
The third argument ("cnt") is the number of slots. Lookaside is disabled
if "cnt"is less than 1. The "cnt" value will be reduced, if necessary, so
that the product of "sz" and "cnt" does not exceed 2,147,418,112. The "cnt"
parameter is usually chosen so that the product of "sz" and "cnt" is less
than 1,000,000.
If the "buf" argument is not NULL, then it must
point to a memory buffer with a size that is greater than
or equal to the product of "sz" and "cnt".
The buffer must be aligned to an 8-byte boundary.
The lookaside memory
configuration for a database connection can only be changed when that
connection is not currently using lookaside memory, or in other words
when the value returned by SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED is zero.
Any attempt to change the lookaside memory configuration when lookaside
memory is in use leaves the configuration unchanged and returns
If the "buf" argument is NULL and an attempt
to allocate memory based on "sz" and "cnt" fails, then
lookaside is silently disabled.
The SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE configuration option can be used to set the
default lookaside configuration at initialization. The
-DSQLITE_DEFAULT_LOOKASIDE option can be used to set the default lookaside
configuration at compile-time. Typical values for lookaside are 1200 for
"sz" and 40 to 100 for "cnt".
- This option is used to enable or disable the enforcement of
foreign key constraints. This is the same setting that is
enabled or disabled by the PRAGMA foreign_keys statement.
The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable FK enforcement,
positive to enable FK enforcement or negative to leave FK enforcement
unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether FK enforcement is off or on
following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
which case the FK enforcement setting is not reported back.
- This option is used to enable or disable triggers.
There should be two additional arguments.
The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable triggers,
positive to enable triggers or negative to leave the setting unchanged.
The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether triggers are disabled or enabled
following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
which case the trigger setting is not reported back.
Originally this option disabled all triggers. However, since
SQLite version 3.35.0, TEMP triggers are still allowed even if
this option is off. So, in other words, this option now only disables
triggers in the main database schema or in the schemas of ATTACH-ed
- This option is used to enable or disable views.
There must be two additional arguments.
The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable views,
positive to enable views or negative to leave the setting unchanged.
The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether views are disabled or enabled
following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
which case the view setting is not reported back.
Originally this option disabled all views. However, since
SQLite version 3.35.0, TEMP views are still allowed even if
this option is off. So, in other words, this option now only disables
views in the main database schema or in the schemas of ATTACH-ed
- This option is used to enable or disable the
fts3_tokenizer() function which is part of the
FTS3 full-text search engine extension.
There must be two additional arguments.
The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable fts3_tokenizer() or
positive to enable fts3_tokenizer() or negative to leave the setting
The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether fts3_tokenizer is disabled or enabled
following this call. The second parameter may be a NULL pointer, in
which case the new setting is not reported back.
- This option is used to enable or disable the sqlite3_load_extension()
interface independently of the load_extension() SQL function.
The sqlite3_enable_load_extension() API enables or disables both the
C-API sqlite3_load_extension() and the SQL function load_extension().
There must be two additional arguments.
When the first argument to this interface is 1, then only the C-API is
enabled and the SQL function remains disabled. If the first argument to
this interface is 0, then both the C-API and the SQL function are disabled.
If the first argument is -1, then no changes are made to state of either the
C-API or the SQL function.
The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether sqlite3_load_extension() interface
is disabled or enabled following this call. The second parameter may
be a NULL pointer, in which case the new setting is not reported back.
- This option is used to change the name of the "main" database
schema. This option does not follow the
usual SQLITE_DBCONFIG argument format.
This option takes exactly one additional argument so that the
sqlite3_db_config() call has a total of three parameters. The
extra argument must be a pointer to a constant UTF8 string which
will become the new schema name in place of "main". SQLite does
not make a copy of the new main schema name string, so the application
must ensure that the argument passed into SQLITE_DBCONFIG MAINDBNAME
is unchanged until after the database connection closes.
- Usually, when a database in WAL mode is closed or detached from a
database handle, SQLite checks if if there are other connections to the
same database, and if there are no other database connection (if the
connection being closed is the last open connection to the database),
then SQLite performs a checkpoint before closing the connection and
deletes the WAL file. The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE option can
be used to override that behavior. The first argument passed to this
operation (the third parameter to sqlite3_db_config()) is an integer
which is positive to disable checkpoints-on-close, or zero (the default)
to enable them, and negative to leave the setting unchanged.
The second argument (the fourth parameter) is a pointer to an integer
into which is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether checkpoints-on-close
have been disabled - 0 if they are not disabled, 1 if they are.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG option activates or deactivates
the query planner stability guarantee (QPSG). When the QPSG is active,
a single SQL query statement will always use the same algorithm regardless
of values of bound parameters. The QPSG disables some query optimizations
that look at the values of bound parameters, which can make some queries
slower. But the QPSG has the advantage of more predictable behavior. With
the QPSG active, SQLite will always use the same query plan in the field as
was used during testing in the lab.
The first argument to this setting is an integer which is 0 to disable
the QPSG, positive to enable QPSG, or negative to leave the setting
unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which
is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether the QPSG is disabled or enabled
following this call.
- By default, the output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN commands does not
include output for any operations performed by trigger programs. This
option is used to set or clear (the default) a flag that governs this
behavior. The first parameter passed to this operation is an integer -
positive to enable output for trigger programs, or zero to disable it,
or negative to leave the setting unchanged.
The second parameter is a pointer to an integer into which is written
0 or 1 to indicate whether output-for-triggers has been disabled - 0 if
it is not disabled, 1 if it is.
- Set the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE flag and then run
VACUUM in order to reset a database back to an empty database
with no schema and no content. The following process works even for
a badly corrupted database file:
- If the database connection is newly opened, make sure it has read the
database schema by preparing then discarding some query against the
database, or calling sqlite3_table_column_metadata(), ignoring any
errors. This step is only necessary if the application desires to keep
the database in WAL mode after the reset if it was in WAL mode before
the reset.
- sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE, 1, 0);
- sqlite3_exec(db, "VACUUM", 0, 0, 0);
- sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE, 0, 0);
Because resetting a database is destructive and irreversible, the
process requires the use of this obscure API and multiple steps to
help ensure that it does not happen by accident. Because this
feature must be capable of resetting corrupt databases, and
shutting down virtual tables may require access to that corrupt
storage, the library must abandon any installed virtual tables
without calling their xDestroy() methods.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE option activates or deactivates the
"defensive" flag for a database connection. When the defensive
flag is enabled, language features that allow ordinary SQL to
deliberately corrupt the database file are disabled. The disabled
features include but are not limited to the following:
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA option activates or deactivates the
"writable_schema" flag. This has the same effect and is logically equivalent
to setting PRAGMA writable_schema=ON or PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF.
The first argument to this setting is an integer which is 0 to disable
the writable_schema, positive to enable writable_schema, or negative to
leave the setting unchanged. The second parameter is a pointer to an
integer into which is written 0 or 1 to indicate whether the writable_schema
is enabled or disabled following this call.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE option activates or deactivates
the legacy behavior of the ALTER TABLE RENAME command such it
behaves as it did prior to version 3.24.0 (2018-06-04). See the
"Compatibility Notice" on the ALTER TABLE RENAME documentation for
additional information. This feature can also be turned on and off
using the PRAGMA legacy_alter_table statement.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML option activates or deactivates
the legacy double-quoted string literal misfeature for DML statements
only, that is DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE statements. The
default value of this setting is determined by the -DSQLITE_DQS
compile-time option.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS option activates or deactivates
the legacy double-quoted string literal misfeature for DDL statements,
default value of this setting is determined by the -DSQLITE_DQS
compile-time option.
assume that database schemas are untainted by malicious content.
When the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRUSTED_SCHEMA option is disabled, SQLite
takes additional defensive steps to protect the application from harm
- Prohibit the use of SQL functions inside triggers, views,
CHECK constraints, DEFAULT clauses, expression indexes,
partial indexes, or generated columns
unless those functions are tagged with SQLITE_INNOCUOUS.
- Prohibit the use of virtual tables inside of triggers or views
unless those virtual tables are tagged with SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS.
This setting defaults to "on" for legacy compatibility, however
all applications are advised to turn it off if possible. This setting
can also be controlled using the PRAGMA trusted_schema statement.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT option activates or deactivates
the legacy file format flag. When activated, this flag causes all newly
created database file to have a schema format version number (the 4-byte
integer found at offset 44 into the database header) of 1. This in turn
means that the resulting database file will be readable and writable by
any SQLite version back to 3.0.0 (2004-06-18). Without this setting,
newly created databases are generally not understandable by SQLite versions
prior to 3.3.0 (2006-01-11). As these words are written, there
is now scarcely any need to generate database files that are compatible
all the way back to version 3.0.0, and so this setting is of little
practical use, but is provided so that SQLite can continue to claim the
ability to generate new database files that are compatible with version
Note that when the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT setting is on,
the VACUUM command will fail with an obscure error when attempting to
process a table with generated columns and a descending index. This is
not considered a bug since SQLite versions 3.3.0 and earlier do not support
either generated columns or descending indexes.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_STMT_SCANSTATUS option is only useful in
SQLITE_ENABLE_STMT_SCANSTATUS builds. In this case, it sets or clears
a flag that enables collection of the sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus_v2()
statistics. For statistics to be collected, the flag must be set on
the database handle both when the SQL statement is prepared and when it
is stepped. The flag is set (collection of statistics is enabled)
by default.
This option takes two arguments: an integer and a pointer to
an integer.. The first argument is 1, 0, or -1 to enable, disable, or
leave unchanged the statement scanstatus option. If the second argument
is not NULL, then the value of the statement scanstatus setting after
processing the first argument is written into the integer that the second
argument points to.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_REVERSE_SCANORDER option changes the default order
in which tables and indexes are scanned so that the scans start at the end
and work toward the beginning rather than starting at the beginning and
working toward the end. Setting SQLITE_DBCONFIG_REVERSE_SCANORDER is the
same as setting PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects.
This option takes
two arguments which are an integer and a pointer to an integer. The first
argument is 1, 0, or -1 to enable, disable, or leave unchanged the
reverse scan order flag, respectively. If the second argument is not NULL,
then 0 or 1 is written into the integer that the second argument points to
depending on if the reverse scan order flag is set after processing the
first argument.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_ATTACH_CREATE option enables or disables
the ability of the ATTACH DATABASE SQL command to create a new database
file if the database filed named in the ATTACH command does not already
exist. This ability of ATTACH to create a new database is enabled by
default. Applications can disable or reenable the ability for ATTACH to
create new database files using this DBCONFIG option.
This option takes two arguments which are an integer and a pointer
to an integer. The first argument is 1, 0, or -1 to enable, disable, or
leave unchanged the attach-create flag, respectively. If the second
argument is not NULL, then 0 or 1 is written into the integer that the
second argument points to depending on if the attach-create flag is set
after processing the first argument.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_ATTACH_WRITE option enables or disables the
ability of the ATTACH DATABASE SQL command to open a database for writing.
This capability is enabled by default. Applications can disable or
reenable this capability using the current DBCONFIG option. If the
the this capability is disabled, the ATTACH command will still work,
but the database will be opened read-only. If this option is disabled,
then the ability to create a new database using ATTACH is also disabled,
regardless of the value of the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_ATTACH_CREATE
This option takes two arguments which are an integer and a pointer
to an integer. The first argument is 1, 0, or -1 to enable, disable, or
leave unchanged the ability to ATTACH another database for writing,
respectively. If the second argument is not NULL, then 0 or 1 is written
into the integer to which the second argument points, depending on whether
the ability to ATTACH a read/write database is enabled or disabled
after processing the first argument.
- The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_COMMENTS option enables or disables the
ability to include comments in SQL text. Comments are enabled by default.
An application can disable or reenable comments in SQL text using this
DBCONFIG option.
This option takes two arguments which are an integer and a pointer
to an integer. The first argument is 1, 0, or -1 to enable, disable, or
leave unchanged the ability to use comments in SQL text,
respectively. If the second argument is not NULL, then 0 or 1 is written
into the integer that the second argument points to depending on if
comments are allowed in SQL text after processing the first argument.
Most of the SQLITE_DBCONFIG options take two arguments, so that the
overall call to sqlite3_db_config() has a total of four parameters.
The first argument (the third parameter to sqlite3_db_config()) is a integer.
The second argument is a pointer to an integer. If the first argument is 1,
then the option becomes enabled. If the first integer argument is 0, then the
option is disabled. If the first argument is -1, then the option setting
is unchanged. The second argument, the pointer to an integer, may be NULL.
If the second argument is not NULL, then a value of 0 or 1 is written into
the integer to which the second argument points, depending on whether the
setting is disabled or enabled after applying any changes specified by
the first argument.
While most SQLITE_DBCONFIG options use the argument format
described in the previous paragraph, the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME
and SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE options are different. See the
documentation of those exceptional options for details.