
Zipvfs C API Reference

Zipvfs C API Reference

Zipvfs C API Reference

This document is a reference guide for the C API used by zipvfs applications. The API consists of C functions to create and destroy zipvfs VFS instances, a C function to translate an error code to an English language error message, and a list of file-control operations supported by SQLite database handles that use a zipvfs VFS. One of the file-control operations reports on the current usage of space within a zipvfs database file by populating the fields of a C structure - this structure is also described below.

  1. Legacy Procedures to Create a New Zipvfs VFS
  2. Create a new Zipvfs VFS
  3. Container for Zipvfs Callback Pointers
  4. Destroy a Zipvfs VFS - zipvfs_destroy_vfs()
  5. Obtain an English Language Error Message - zipvfs_errmsg()
  6. File-control Operations Supported by Zipvfs
  7. File Space Usage Report - struct ZipvfsStat
  8. Register the zipvfs_dictstore module
  9. Read an entry from the dictionary store

Legacy Procedures to Create a New Zipvfs VFS

int zipvfs_create_vfs(
  char const *zName,
  char const *zParent,
  void *pCtx,
  int (*xCompressBound)(void*, int nSrc),
  int (*xCompress)(void*, char *aDest, int *pnDest, const char *aSrc, int nSrc),
  int (*xUncompress)(void*, char *aDest, int *pnDest, const char *aSrc,int nSrc)
int zipvfs_create_vfs_v2(
  char const *zName,
  char const *zParent,
  void *pCtx,
  int (*xCompressBound)(void *, int nSrc),
  int (*xCompress)(void*, char *aDest, int *pnDest, const char *aSrc, int nSrc),
  int (*xUncompress)(void*, char *aDest, int *pnDest,const char *aSrc,int nSrc),
  int (*xCompressOpen)(void*, const char*, void**),
  int (*xCompressClose)(void*)

New Zipvfs VFSes should be created using zipvfs_create_vfs_v3(). The interfaces described here are legacy and are retained for backwards compatibility only.

Create a new Zipvfs VFS

int zipvfs_create_vfs_v3(
  char const *zName,
  char const *zParent,
  void *pCtx,
  int (*xAutoDetect)(void*, const char *zFile, const char *zHdr, ZipvfsMethods*)

This interface creates a new Zipvfs VFS.

The name of the new VFS is as specified by parameter zName. The new VFS accesses the file system using an existing VFS named by parameter zParent.

The third argument to this function, pCtx, is a context pointer passed through into callback functions

The fourth argument is this interface is the xAutoDetect callback function. The xAutoDetect callback is invoked whenever a new file is opened by the Zipvfs VFS. The fourth argument to the xAutoDetect callback is a pointer to a ZipvfsMethods objects. Initially, most fields of the ZipvfsMethods object are zero. If the xAutoDetect callback may leave the ZipvfsMethods object unchanged, in which case the database file is opened as if it were a normal uncompressed database. (This is called "pass-through" mode.) Or, the xAutoDetect implementation may populate the ZipvfsMethods structure with pointers to the methods that will be used to compress and uncompress pages of the database file.

If no error occurs, the xAutoDetect implementation should return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise, it may return any SQLite error code and the error will be propagated back to the user.

The first argument passed to the xAutoDetect invocation is a copy of the context pointer, pCtx, passed to zipvfs_create_vfs3_v3(). The second argument is passed a pointer to a buffer containing the database file name. The second argument to xAutoDetect is a copy of the pointer passed to the created VFS's xOpen method, and so the sqlite3_uri_parameter() function may be used with it to extract any URI parameters specified by the SQLite user. If a new database is being created, the third argument to xAutoDetect is NULL. Otherwise, the third argument to xAutoDetect is a buffer containing a copy of the 13 byte database header string identifying the compression algorithm used by the database. The implementation of xAutoDetect should interpret this string and provide compatible compression routines by filling in appropriate fields of the ZipvfsMethods object.

Container for Zipvfs Callback Pointers

struct ZipvfsMethods {
  const char *zHdr;
  void *pCtx;
  int (*xCompressBound)(void *, int nSrc);
  int (*xCompress)(void*, char *aDest, int *pnDest, const char *aSrc, int nSrc);
  int (*xUncompress)(void*, char *aDest, int *pnDest,const char *aSrc,int nSrc);
  int (*xCompressClose)(void*);
  const char *zAuxHdr;  /* Extra header information */

An instance of the ZipvfsMethods object describes the compression procedures used to read and writes a Zipvfs database file.

A pointer to an instance of this object is passed to the xAutoDetect callback whenever a new database file is first opened. The method callback pointers are initially all zero. The job of the xAutoDetect callback is to fill in the ZipvfsMethods method pointer with routines appropriate for doing compression and decompression of individual pages on the database file being opened.

The xAutoDetect callback must populate all of the following method pointers:

xCompressBound(X,N)The xCompressBound(X,N) function returns the maximum possible size (in bytes) of the output produced by compressing a buffer containing N bytes of data. The value returned by xCompressBound(X,N) must be the worst-case compression. One expects that the actually length of the compressed buffer will usually be shorter. The xCompressBound(X,N) method is used by Zipvfs to allocate a buffer sufficient to hold the results of compression.
xCompress(X,D,M,S,N)The xCompress(X,D,M,S,N) method compresses a single page of content. The input content is N bytes at S. Output must be written into a buffer D. (The size of D will be at least xCompressBound(X,N) bytes.) M must be filled with the number of bytes in D after compression.
xUncompress(X,D,M,S,N)The xUncompress(X,D,M,S,N) method uncompressions N bytes of content from the S buffer and writes the result into buffer D. M is filled with the number of bytes in D after decompression.
xCompressClose(X)The xCompressClose(X) method is called when the ZIPVFS database connection is closed. The xCompressClose(X) method is responsible for freeing any resources (ex: memory) held by the ZIPVFS instance.

The zHdr field should be set to point to a nul-terminated string. If the string is longer than 13 bytes, not including the nul-terminator, it is truncated. If a new database is created, the string that zHdr points to is written into the header file of the new database. This string will then be read from the database and passed as the third parameter to the xAutoDetect() invocation next time it is opened. It follows that the first 13 bytes of the string that zHdr points to should identify the compression functions that the other fields are set to, so that future invocations of xAutoDetect can supply Zipvfs with compatible functions.

The zAuxHdr field, if not NULL, is a zero-terminated string that is appended after the zero-terminator on zHdr, assuming there is space. The total number of bytes consumed by zHdr, the zero terminator on zHdr, and zAuxHdr may not exceed 13 bytes. Any excess is silently truncated.

Destroy a Zipvfs VFS - zipvfs_destroy_vfs()

void zipvfs_destroy_vfs(const char *zName);

Deregister and destroy a ZIP vfs previously created by zipvfs_create_vfs().

VFS objects are not reference counted. If a VFS object is destroyed before all database handles that use it have been closed, the results are undefined.

Obtain an English Language Error Message - zipvfs_errmsg()

const char *zipvfs_errmsg(int rc);

Return a pointer to a static buffer containing an English language interpretation of the error code passed as the only argument. The error code must be one returned by either zipvfs_create_vfs(), or a call to sqlite3_file_control() with one of the ZIPVFS_CTRL_*** verbs.

File-control Operations Supported by Zipvfs

#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_COMPACT          230437
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_FILE_POINTER     230439
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_MAXFREE          230441
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_MAXFRAG          230442
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_CACHESIZE        230443
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_LOCKING_MODE     230445
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_STAT             230446
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_CACHE_USED       231454      /* Like DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED */
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_CACHE_HIT        231455      /* Like DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT */
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_CACHE_MISS       231456      /* Like DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS */
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_CACHE_WRITE      231457      /* Like DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE */
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_DIRECT_READ      231458
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_DIRECT_BYTES     231459
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_REPLACE          230460
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_REPLACE_INIT     230461
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_REPLACE_STEP     230462
#define ZIPVFS_CTRL_FREELIST         230466

Values interpreted by the xFileControl method of a zipvfs db file-handle.

This control is used to compact a database (rebuild it with zero free-slots and zero fragmented bytes). The argument may either be NULL, or a pointer to a variable of type sqlite3_int64.

If the argument is a NULL, then zipvfs attempts to compact the database. If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned and the database file truncated before returning. For small database files, this is fine. For larger database files it has two disadvantages: (1) It may take a long time, during which time an exclusive lock is held on the database preventing other processes from accessing it, and (2) a journal file as large as the database itself may be created during the compact operation (it is deleted before the call returns, but may still be a problem if disk space is scarce).

If the argument is a pointer to a variable of type sqlite3_int64, then only a section of the database is compacted before returning. Subsequent ZIPVFS_CTRL_COMPACT operations continue on from where the previous one finished. The initial value of the sqlite3_int64 variable is used as a rough limit to the size of the section of the database compacted (and therefore a rough limit on the size of the journal file created during the partial compact). If this limit is less than the total size of the database file, then multiple calls may be required to compact the file. If the limit is zero or less than zero, then the entire file is compacted. The file is not truncated until the entire database has been compacted.

Before returning, the value of the sqlite3_int64 variable pointed to by the file-control argument is set to the number of bytes in the part of the database file yet to be compacted. If the file has been completely compacted, zipvfs sets the value to 0.

The argument is a pointer to an array of two sqlite3_int64 values. The first element of the array holds a page number when called. The first element is overwritten with the offset from the beginning of the compressed file to where the page is stored. The second element of the array is overwritten with the size of the page as stored in the compressed database files.

The argument to this file-control is a pointer to a variable of type "int". It is used to set a limit on the number of free-slots allowed to accumulate within the zipvfs file before zipvfs becomes more aggressive in its attempts to reuse them.

When there are less free-slots in the file than the configured limit, a free-slot is only reused if it is the exact size required by a new compressed page image. Once the configured limit is reached or exceeded, when a new compressed page record is written to the file a free-slot is reused if there exists one large enough that is not more than MAXFRAG bytes larger than required, where MAXFRAG is the limit configured by the ZIPVFS_CTRL_MAXFRAG file-control. If there is more than one free-slot that fits these constraints, the smallest is used.

This file control is used to set a limit on the maximum amount of space that will be wasted when reusing a free-slot for a new record (see ZIPVFS_CTRL_MAXFREE for details). The argument to this file-control should be a pointer to a variable of type "int" that contains the new limit value.

Set the size of the page-cache used by the VFS when writing to the database file. The argument should be a pointer to a value of type int.

Check that a zipvfs database file appears to be internally consistent. This is not the same as running "PRAGMA integrity_check".

This file-control is similar to the "PRAGMA locking_mode" command supported by SQLite. The argument should be a pointer to a value of type "int". If the value is initially set to 0, then an attempt is made to set the pager used to write to the zipvfs file to locking_mode=normal mode. If the value is initially 1, then an attempt is made to set it to locking_mode=exclusive. Other values do not modify the locking-mode of the pager, but may be used to query for the same.

Before returning, the value of the int variable pointed to by the argument is set to 0 if the pager is left in locking_mode=normal mode, or 1 if the pager is left in locking_mode=exclusive mode.

The argument to this file-control must be a pointer to an instance of struct ZipvfsStat (see below). If successful, the fields of the structure are populated according to the current size and structure of the zipvfs database file before returning SQLITE_OK. If an error is encountered while attempting to read the database file, an error code is returned and the final values of the structure fields are undefined.

Return the underlying sqlite3_file pointer. This works in either a normal ZIPVFS or in pass-through mode.

The argument must be a pointer to an integer of type sqlite3_int64. Before returning, this file-control sets the value of the output integer to the number of bytes of memory used by the underlying zipvfs pager (the same value as is returned by DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED for a top level pager).

The argument must be a pointer to an integer of type sqlite3_int64. Before returning, this file-control sets the value of the output integer to the number of cache hits that have occurred since the counter was reset (the same value as is returned by DBSTATUS_CACHE_HITS for a top level pager). If the value of the output integer is initially non-zero, the counter is reset before returning.



The argument must be a pointer to an integer of type sqlite3_int64. Before returning, this file-control sets the value of the output integer to the number of read operations performed by zipvfs directly on the underlying database file (bypassing the zipvfs pager). If the value of the output integer is initially non-zero, the counter is reset before returning.

As for ZIPVFS_CTRL_CACHE_HIT, except the output value is the total number of bytes read directly, not the number of xRead calls.

The (void*) argument must actually be a pointer to an SQLite handle (type sqlite3*) for which the main database is a ZipVFS database that uses the same compression schema and block_size as the database ZIPVFS_CTRL_REPLACE is called on. There must not be a transaction open on either database. The contents of the argument database are copied over the top of the current database (i.e. the current db is "replaced" by the argument).

If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, if the argument database is not a ZipVFS database, SQLITE_NOTFOUND is returned. Or, if the argument is a ZipVFS db, but the compression algorithm or page-size does not match, SQLITE_ERROR is returned. If an OOM or IO error occurs, the usual SQLite error code is returned.

This operation, along with REPLACE_STEP and REPLACE_FINISH, provides the same functionality as ZIPVFS_CTRL_REPLACE. To replace a database using these file controls, REPLACE_INIT is invoked once to begin the operation, then REPLACE_STEP is invoked one or more times to copy page data, and then REPLACE_FINISH is invoked once to commit or rollback the change and to release resources.

The (void*) argument passed to this file-control must actually be a pointer to an SQLite handle (type sqlite3*) for which the main database is a ZipVFS database that uses the same compression schema and block_size as the database ZIPVFS_CTRL_REPLACE is called on. There must not be a transaction open on either database.

If SQLITE_OK is returned, then the replace operation has been started. From this point on it is an error to attempt to read or write to the database. Writing to the source database (the one passed via the (void*) pointer to this file-control) is also illegal, but no error will be returned. Instead, it is likely that the destination database will be silently corrupted. Otherwise, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned. If this file-control does not first return SQLITE_OK, it is an error (SQLITE_MISUSE) to invoke either REPLACE_STEP or REPLACE_FINISH.

A successful call to this file control must eventually be matched by a call to REPLACE_FINISH, even if an error occurs within REPLACE_STEP.

This file-control may only be invoked following a successful call to REPLACE_INIT. The (void*) argument should point to an integer (type int) with value N, where N is greater than zero. This file-control copies up to N pages from the source database to the main database. If the copy is complete, SQLITE_DONE is returned. Or, if there are still more pages to copy but no error occurred, SQLITE_OK. Finally, if an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned.

This file-control is invoked to commit or rollback a replace operation started by REPLACE_INIT. The (void*) argument must point to an integer (type int). If the value of the integer is non-zero and the most recent call to REPLACE_STEP returned SQLITE_DONE, then the replace operation is committed. Otherwise it is rolled back.

If no error occurs, SQLITE_OK is returned, regardless of whether the transaction is committed or rolled back. Or, if an error occurs or has already occurred within an earlier invocation of REPLACE_STEP, an error code is returned. In all cases all resources related to the replace operation are released.

This file-control may only be invoked while there is an ongoing replace operation (i.e. between a REPLACE_INIT and REPLACE_FINISH). The (void*) argument must point to an integer (type int). Before returning, this file-control sets the value of that integer to the total number of pages that will be copied by the replace operation.

This file-control may only be invoked while there is an ongoing replace operation (i.e. between a REPLACE_INIT and REPLACE_FINISH). The (void*) argument must point to an integer (type int). Before returning, this file-control sets the value of that integer to the total number of pages that have already been copied from source to destination by the replace operation.

For this file control, the (void*) argument should be a pointer to a variable of type (sqlite3_int64*). This command allocates an array of (sqlite3_int64) values and sets the indicated variable to point to it. It is the responsibility of the caller to free this array using sqlite3_free() when it is no longer required.

The first value in the array is the number of free-slots in the file. Then, for each free-slot in the file there are four values, as follows:

  • The byte offset of the free-slot.
  • The size in bytes of the free-slot.
  • The byte offset of the parent free-slot, or 0 for the root.
  • The index of the current slot within the parent.

File Space Usage Report - struct ZipvfsStat

typedef struct ZipvfsStat ZipvfsStat;
struct ZipvfsStat {
  int nFreeSlot;                  /* Number of free slots */
  sqlite3_int64 nFileByte;        /* Size of zipvfs database image */
  sqlite3_int64 nContentByte;     /* Bytes of compressed content in file */
  sqlite3_int64 nFreeByte;        /* Total size of all free slots in bytes */
  sqlite3_int64 nFragByte;        /* Total size of all fragments */
  sqlite3_int64 nGapByte;         /* Size "gap" produced by incr-compact */

An instance of the ZipvfsStat structure is used as an output parameter by the ZIPVFS_CTRL_STAT file-control. ZIPVFS_CTRL_STAT is used to query for information regarding the size and structure of a zipvfs database file. Successfully invoking the file-control populates the fields of an instance of this structure as follows:

nFreeSlotThe total number of slots in the file that do not currently contain compressed database content.
nFileByteNumber of bytes of space used by the zipvfs database image. The actual size of the file on disk may be slightly larger than this, as the file-size is always an integer multiple of the page-size.
nContentByteThe total size of all compressed user database pages currently stored in the zipvfs database file.
nFreeByteThe total size of all free space on free-slots in the zipvfs database file.
nFragByteThe total size of all unused space at the end of used slots in the zipvfs database file (i.e. space wasted because a slots payload size is larger than the size of the compressed page currently stored in it).
nGapByteTotal size of the unused block of space created by an incremental compact operation. See the ZIPVFS_CTRL_COMPACT file-control operation for more details.

The total amount of free space in bytes that may be reclaimed by a ZIPVFS_CTRL_COMPACT operation is the sum of the values written to the nFreeByte, nFragByte and nGapByte structure members as part of a ZIPVFS_CTRL_STAT request.

Register the zipvfs_dictstore module

int sqlite3_zipvfs_dictstore_register(sqlite3*);

This function registers the "zipvfs_dictstore" virtual table module with the database handle passed as the only argument. The zipvfs_dictstore module may be used to create virtual tables interfaces to read or write a ZipVFS dictionary store.

SQLITE_OK is returned if the module is successfully registered, or an SQLite error code otherwise.

Read an entry from the dictionary store

int zipvfs_dictstore_get(
  ZipvfsMethods *pMethods,
  int iId,
  int *piId,                      /* OUT: Id of retrieved entry */
  int *pnDict,                    /* OUT: Size of retrieved blob in bytes */
  unsigned char **ppDict          /* OUT: Pointer to buffer containing blob */

This function may be used from within an xAutoDetect, xCompress or xUncompress callback to read an entry from the dictionary store of the current ZipVFS database. The first argument must be a copy of the pMethods pointer passed as the xAutoDetect function by the ZipVFS core. If the second argument is a non-negative integer, then it is the id of the entry to retrieve. Or, if the second argument is a negative integer, then the entry requested is that with the largest numeric id value in the dictionary store.

Assuming no error occurs, if the requested entry is not present in the dictionary store, then the three output variables are set to -1, 0 and 0, respectively. Or, if the entry is present, the first output variable is set to the id of the retrieved entry, the second to the size of the dictionary blob in byte and the third to point to a buffer allocated using sqlite3_malloc() that contains the dictionary blob. It is the responsibility of the caller to eventually free this buffer using sqlite3_free().

If an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned. Otherwise, SQLITE_OK. It is not considered an error if the requested entry does not exist.