
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 01b785eefa32b6b7322318a94d61e9b0171e12c0
Title: sqlite3.exe - wrong parameter charset
Status: Closed Type: Support_Request
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Shell Resolution: External_Bug
Last Modified: 2014-03-11 12:45:49
Version Found In:
I wish to run: sqlite3.exe some_database_name.db3

While some_database_name.db3 contains some non-ascii chars, I am in trouble! sqlite3.exe expects this parameter in UTF-8. It is not usual, and I am unable to write it by keyboard in windows commandline shell.

I am expecting all program parameters to be in native windows encoding, and conversion from native windows encoding to UTF-8 is made inside sqlite3.exe.

Then I can write non-ascii path in commandline shell by OEM encoding, then I can run it by CreateprocessA Win32API as ANSI encoding or by CreateProcessW Win32API as widechar.