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Parents and children of check-in [1b9918e2]

Refactor PLWriter to remove owned buffer. DLCollector (Document List Collector) now handles the case where PLWriter (Position List Writer) needed a local buffer. Change to using the associated DLWriter (Document List Writer) buffer, which reduces the number of memory copies needed in doclist processing, and brings PLWriter operation in line with DLWriter operation. (CVS 3707) (check-in: d04fa3a1 user: shess tags: trunk)
Refactor PLWriter in preparation for buffered-document change. Currently, PLWriter (Position List Writer) creates a locally-owned DataBuffer to write into. This is necessary to support doclist collection during tokenization, where there is no obvious buffer to write output to, but is not necessary for the other users of PLWriter. This change adds a DLCollector (Doc List Collector) structure to handle the tokenization case.

Also fix a potential memory leak in writeZeroSegment(). In case of error from leafWriterStep(), the DataBuffer dl was being leaked. (CVS 3706) (check-in: 1b9918e2 user: shess tags: trunk)

Modify the interface to the pager sub-system in preparation for performing IO in blocks based on sector-size, not database page-size. (CVS 3705) (check-in: 7dc76588 user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)