/* ** A program for performance testing. ** ** The available command-line options are described below: */ static const char zHelp[] = "Usage: %s [--options] DATABASE\n" "Options:\n" " --autovacuum Enable AUTOVACUUM mode\n" " --big-transactions Add BEGIN/END around all large tests\n" " --cachesize N Set PRAGMA cache_size=N. Note: N is pages, not bytes\n" " --checkpoint Run PRAGMA wal_checkpoint after each test case\n" " --exclusive Enable locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE\n" " --explain Like --sqlonly but with added EXPLAIN keywords\n" " --fullfsync Enable fullfsync=TRUE\n" " --heap SZ MIN Memory allocator uses SZ bytes & min allocation MIN\n" " --incrvacuum Enable incremenatal vacuum mode\n" " --journal M Set the journal_mode to M\n" " --key KEY Set the encryption key to KEY\n" " --lookaside N SZ Configure lookaside for N slots of SZ bytes each\n" " --memdb Use an in-memory database\n" " --mmap SZ MMAP the first SZ bytes of the database file\n" " --multithread Set multithreaded mode\n" " --nolongdouble Disable the use of long double\n" " --nomemstat Disable memory statistics\n" " --nomutex Open db with SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX\n" " --nosync Set PRAGMA synchronous=OFF\n" " --notnull Add NOT NULL constraints to table columns\n" " --output FILE Store SQL output in FILE\n" " --pagesize N Set the page size to N\n" " --pcache N SZ Configure N pages of pagecache each of size SZ bytes\n" " --primarykey Use PRIMARY KEY instead of UNIQUE where appropriate\n" " --repeat N Repeat each SELECT N times (default: 1)\n" " --reprepare Reprepare each statement upon every invocation\n" " --reserve N Reserve N bytes on each database page\n" " --script FILE Write an SQL script for the test into FILE\n" " --serialized Set serialized threading mode\n" " --singlethread Set single-threaded mode - disables all mutexing\n" " --sqlonly No-op. Only show the SQL that would have been run.\n" " --shrink-memory Invoke sqlite3_db_release_memory() frequently.\n" " --size N Relative test size. Default=100\n" " --strict Use STRICT table where appropriate\n" " --stats Show statistics at the end\n" " --stmtscanstatus Activate SQLITE_DBCONFIG_STMT_SCANSTATUS\n" " --temp N N from 0 to 9. 0: no temp table. 9: all temp tables\n" " --testset T Run test-set T (main, cte, rtree, orm, fp, debug)\n" " --trace Turn on SQL tracing\n" " --threads N Use up to N threads for sorting\n" " --utf16be Set text encoding to UTF-16BE\n" " --utf16le Set text encoding to UTF-16LE\n" " --verify Run additional verification steps\n" " --vfs NAME Use the given (preinstalled) VFS\n" " --without-rowid Use WITHOUT ROWID where appropriate\n" ; #include "sqlite3.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 # include #else # include #endif #define ISSPACE(X) isspace((unsigned char)(X)) #define ISDIGIT(X) isdigit((unsigned char)(X)) #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER<3005000 # define sqlite3_int64 sqlite_int64 #endif typedef sqlite3_uint64 u64; /* ** State structure for a Hash hash in progress */ typedef struct HashContext HashContext; struct HashContext { unsigned char isInit; /* True if initialized */ unsigned char i, j; /* State variables */ unsigned char s[256]; /* State variables */ unsigned char r[32]; /* Result */ }; /* All global state is held in this structure */ static struct Global { sqlite3 *db; /* The open database connection */ sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* Current SQL statement */ sqlite3_int64 iStart; /* Start-time for the current test */ sqlite3_int64 iTotal; /* Total time */ int bWithoutRowid; /* True for --without-rowid */ int bReprepare; /* True to reprepare the SQL on each rerun */ int bSqlOnly; /* True to print the SQL once only */ int bExplain; /* Print SQL with EXPLAIN prefix */ int bVerify; /* Try to verify that results are correct */ int bMemShrink; /* Call sqlite3_db_release_memory() often */ int eTemp; /* 0: no TEMP. 9: always TEMP. */ int szTest; /* Scale factor for test iterations */ int nRepeat; /* Repeat selects this many times */ int doCheckpoint; /* Run PRAGMA wal_checkpoint after each trans */ int nReserve; /* Reserve bytes */ int stmtScanStatus; /* True to activate Stmt ScanStatus reporting */ int doBigTransactions; /* Enable transactions on tests 410 and 510 */ const char *zWR; /* Might be WITHOUT ROWID */ const char *zNN; /* Might be NOT NULL */ const char *zPK; /* Might be UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY */ unsigned int x, y; /* Pseudo-random number generator state */ u64 nResByte; /* Total number of result bytes */ int nResult; /* Size of the current result */ char zResult[3000]; /* Text of the current result */ FILE *pScript; /* Write an SQL script into this file */ #ifndef SPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH FILE *hashFile; /* Store all hash results in this file */ HashContext hash; /* Hash of all output */ #endif } g; /* Return " TEMP" or "", as appropriate for creating a table. */ static const char *isTemp(int N){ return g.eTemp>=N ? " TEMP" : ""; } /* Print an error message and exit */ static void fatal_error(const char *zMsg, ...){ va_list ap; va_start(ap, zMsg); vfprintf(stderr, zMsg, ap); va_end(ap); exit(1); } #ifndef SPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH /**************************************************************************** ** Hash algorithm used to verify that compilation is not miscompiled ** in such a was as to generate an incorrect result. */ /* ** Initialize a new hash. iSize determines the size of the hash ** in bits and should be one of 224, 256, 384, or 512. Or iSize ** can be zero to use the default hash size of 256 bits. */ static void HashInit(void){ unsigned int k; g.hash.i = 0; g.hash.j = 0; for(k=0; k<256; k++) g.hash.s[k] = k; } /* ** Make consecutive calls to the HashUpdate function to add new content ** to the hash */ static void HashUpdate( const unsigned char *aData, unsigned int nData ){ unsigned char t; unsigned char i = g.hash.i; unsigned char j = g.hash.j; unsigned int k; if( g.hashFile ) fwrite(aData, 1, nData, g.hashFile); for(k=0; k='0' && c<='9' ) return c - '0'; if( c>='a' && c<='f' ) return c - 'a' + 10; if( c>='A' && c<='F' ) return c - 'A' + 10; return -1; } /* Provide an alternative to sqlite3_stricmp() in older versions of ** SQLite */ #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER<3007011 # define sqlite3_stricmp strcmp #endif /* ** Interpret zArg as an integer value, possibly with suffixes. */ static int integerValue(const char *zArg){ sqlite3_int64 v = 0; static const struct { char *zSuffix; int iMult; } aMult[] = { { "KiB", 1024 }, { "MiB", 1024*1024 }, { "GiB", 1024*1024*1024 }, { "KB", 1000 }, { "MB", 1000000 }, { "GB", 1000000000 }, { "K", 1000 }, { "M", 1000000 }, { "G", 1000000000 }, }; int i; int isNeg = 0; if( zArg[0]=='-' ){ isNeg = 1; zArg++; }else if( zArg[0]=='+' ){ zArg++; } if( zArg[0]=='0' && zArg[1]=='x' ){ int x; zArg += 2; while( (x = hexDigitValue(zArg[0]))>=0 ){ v = (v<<4) + x; zArg++; } }else{ while( isdigit(zArg[0]) ){ v = v*10 + zArg[0] - '0'; zArg++; } } for(i=0; i0x7fffffff ) fatal_error("parameter too large - max 2147483648"); return (int)(isNeg? -v : v); } /* Return the current wall-clock time, in milliseconds */ sqlite3_int64 speedtest1_timestamp(void){ #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER<3005000 return 0; #else static sqlite3_vfs *clockVfs = 0; sqlite3_int64 t; if( clockVfs==0 ) clockVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(0); #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007000 if( clockVfs->iVersion>=2 && clockVfs->xCurrentTimeInt64!=0 ){ clockVfs->xCurrentTimeInt64(clockVfs, &t); }else #endif { double r; clockVfs->xCurrentTime(clockVfs, &r); t = (sqlite3_int64)(r*86400000.0); } return t; #endif } /* Return a pseudo-random unsigned integer */ unsigned int speedtest1_random(void){ g.x = (g.x>>1) ^ ((1+~(g.x&1)) & 0xd0000001); g.y = g.y*1103515245 + 12345; return g.x ^ g.y; } /* Map the value in within the range of 1...limit into another ** number in a way that is chatic and invertable. */ unsigned swizzle(unsigned in, unsigned limit){ unsigned out = 0; while( limit ){ out = (out<<1) | (in&1); in >>= 1; limit >>= 1; } return out; } /* Round up a number so that it is a power of two minus one */ unsigned roundup_allones(unsigned limit){ unsigned m = 1; while( m "one hundred twenty three" */ int speedtest1_numbername(unsigned int n, char *zOut, int nOut){ static const char *ones[] = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" }; static const char *tens[] = { "", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" }; int i = 0; if( n>=1000000000 ){ i += speedtest1_numbername(n/1000000000, zOut+i, nOut-i); sqlite3_snprintf(nOut-i, zOut+i, " billion"); i += (int)strlen(zOut+i); n = n % 1000000000; } if( n>=1000000 ){ if( i && i=1000 ){ if( i && i=100 ){ if( i && i=20 ){ if( i && i0 ){ if( i && iNAMEWIDTH ){ zName[NAMEWIDTH] = 0; n = NAMEWIDTH; } if( g.pScript ){ fprintf(g.pScript,"-- begin test %d %.*s\n", iTestNumber, n, zName) /* maintenance reminder: ^^^ code in ext/wasm expects %d to be ** field #4 (as in: cut -d' ' -f4). */; } if( g.bSqlOnly ){ printf("/* %4d - %s%.*s */\n", iTestNum, zName, NAMEWIDTH-n, zDots); }else{ printf("%4d - %s%.*s ", iTestNum, zName, NAMEWIDTH-n, zDots); fflush(stdout); } sqlite3_free(zName); g.nResult = 0; g.iStart = speedtest1_timestamp(); g.x = 0xad131d0b; g.y = 0x44f9eac8; } /* Forward reference */ void speedtest1_exec(const char*,...); /* Complete a test case */ void speedtest1_end_test(void){ sqlite3_int64 iElapseTime = speedtest1_timestamp() - g.iStart; if( g.doCheckpoint ) speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;"); assert( iTestNumber > 0 ); if( g.pScript ){ fprintf(g.pScript,"-- end test %d\n", iTestNumber); } if( !g.bSqlOnly ){ g.iTotal += iElapseTime; printf("%4d.%03ds\n", (int)(iElapseTime/1000), (int)(iElapseTime%1000)); } if( g.pStmt ){ sqlite3_finalize(g.pStmt); g.pStmt = 0; } iTestNumber = 0; } /* Report end of testing */ void speedtest1_final(void){ if( !g.bSqlOnly ){ printf(" TOTAL%.*s %4d.%03ds\n", NAMEWIDTH-5, zDots, (int)(g.iTotal/1000), (int)(g.iTotal%1000)); } if( g.bVerify ){ #ifndef SPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH int i; #endif printf("Verification Hash: %llu ", g.nResByte); #ifndef SPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH HashUpdate((const unsigned char*)"\n", 1); HashFinal(); for(i=0; i<24; i++){ printf("%02x", g.hash.r[i]); } if( g.hashFile && g.hashFile!=stdout ) fclose(g.hashFile); #endif printf("\n"); } } /* Print an SQL statement to standard output */ static void printSql(const char *zSql){ int n = (int)strlen(zSql); while( n>0 && (zSql[n-1]==';' || ISSPACE(zSql[n-1])) ){ n--; } if( g.bExplain ) printf("EXPLAIN "); printf("%.*s;\n", n, zSql); if( g.bExplain #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007017 && ( sqlite3_strglob("CREATE *", zSql)==0 || sqlite3_strglob("DROP *", zSql)==0 || sqlite3_strglob("ALTER *", zSql)==0 ) #endif ){ printf("%.*s;\n", n, zSql); } } /* Shrink memory used, if appropriate and if the SQLite version is capable ** of doing so. */ void speedtest1_shrink_memory(void){ #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007010 if( g.bMemShrink ) sqlite3_db_release_memory(g.db); #endif } /* Run SQL */ void speedtest1_exec(const char *zFormat, ...){ va_list ap; char *zSql; va_start(ap, zFormat); zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap); va_end(ap); if( g.bSqlOnly ){ printSql(zSql); }else{ char *zErrMsg = 0; int rc; if( g.pScript ){ fprintf(g.pScript,"%s;\n",zSql); } rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, zSql, 0, 0, &zErrMsg); if( zErrMsg ) fatal_error("SQL error: %s\n%s\n", zErrMsg, zSql); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) fatal_error("exec error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(g.db)); } sqlite3_free(zSql); speedtest1_shrink_memory(); } /* Run SQL and return the first column of the first row as a string. The ** returned string is obtained from sqlite_malloc() and must be freed by ** the caller. */ char *speedtest1_once(const char *zFormat, ...){ va_list ap; char *zSql; sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; char *zResult = 0; va_start(ap, zFormat); zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap); va_end(ap); if( g.bSqlOnly ){ printSql(zSql); }else{ int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0); if( rc ){ fatal_error("SQL error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(g.db)); } if( g.pScript ){ char *z = sqlite3_expanded_sql(pStmt); fprintf(g.pScript,"%s\n",z); sqlite3_free(z); } if( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *z = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0); if( z ) zResult = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", z); } sqlite3_finalize(pStmt); } sqlite3_free(zSql); speedtest1_shrink_memory(); return zResult; } /* Prepare an SQL statement */ void speedtest1_prepare(const char *zFormat, ...){ va_list ap; char *zSql; va_start(ap, zFormat); zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap); va_end(ap); if( g.bSqlOnly ){ printSql(zSql); }else{ int rc; if( g.pStmt ) sqlite3_finalize(g.pStmt); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zSql, -1, &g.pStmt, 0); if( rc ){ fatal_error("SQL error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(g.db)); } } sqlite3_free(zSql); } /* Run an SQL statement previously prepared */ void speedtest1_run(void){ int i, n, len; if( g.bSqlOnly ) return; assert( g.pStmt ); g.nResult = 0; if( g.pScript ){ char *z = sqlite3_expanded_sql(g.pStmt); fprintf(g.pScript,"%s\n",z); sqlite3_free(z); } while( sqlite3_step(g.pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){ n = sqlite3_column_count(g.pStmt); for(i=0; i>4]; zChar[1] = "0123456789abcdef"[aBlob[iBlob]&15]; HashUpdate(zChar,2); } g.nResByte += nBlob*2 + 2; }else{ HashUpdate((unsigned char*)z, len); g.nResByte += len + 2; } } #endif if( g.nResult+len0 ) g.zResult[g.nResult++] = ' '; memcpy(g.zResult + g.nResult, z, len+1); g.nResult += len; } } } #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3006001 if( g.bReprepare ){ sqlite3_stmt *pNew; sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, sqlite3_sql(g.pStmt), -1, &pNew, 0); sqlite3_finalize(g.pStmt); g.pStmt = pNew; }else #endif { sqlite3_reset(g.pStmt); } speedtest1_shrink_memory(); } #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED /* The sqlite3_trace() callback function */ static void traceCallback(void *NotUsed, const char *zSql){ int n = (int)strlen(zSql); while( n>0 && (zSql[n-1]==';' || ISSPACE(zSql[n-1])) ) n--; fprintf(stderr,"%.*s;\n", n, zSql); } #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED */ /* Substitute random() function that gives the same random ** sequence on each run, for repeatability. */ static void randomFunc( sqlite3_context *context, int NotUsed, sqlite3_value **NotUsed2 ){ sqlite3_result_int64(context, (sqlite3_int64)speedtest1_random()); } /* Estimate the square root of an integer */ static int est_square_root(int x){ int y0 = x/2; int y1; int n; for(n=0; y0>0 && n<10; n++){ y1 = (y0 + x/y0)/2; if( y1==y0 ) break; y0 = y1; } return y0; } #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER<3005004 /* ** An implementation of group_concat(). Used only when testing older ** versions of SQLite that lack the built-in group_concat(). */ struct groupConcat { char *z; int nAlloc; int nUsed; }; static void groupAppend(struct groupConcat *p, const char *z, int n){ if( p->nUsed+n >= p->nAlloc ){ int n2 = (p->nAlloc+n+1)*2; char *z2 = sqlite3_realloc(p->z, n2); if( z2==0 ) return; p->z = z2; p->nAlloc = n2; } memcpy(p->z+p->nUsed, z, n); p->nUsed += n; } static void groupStep( sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv ){ const char *zVal; struct groupConcat *p; const char *zSep; int nVal, nSep; assert( argc==1 || argc==2 ); if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ) return; p= (struct groupConcat*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(*p)); if( p ){ int firstTerm = p->nUsed==0; if( !firstTerm ){ if( argc==2 ){ zSep = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]); nSep = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[1]); }else{ zSep = ","; nSep = 1; } if( nSep ) groupAppend(p, zSep, nSep); } zVal = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]); nVal = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]); if( zVal ) groupAppend(p, zVal, nVal); } } static void groupFinal(sqlite3_context *context){ struct groupConcat *p; p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0); if( p && p->z ){ p->z[p->nUsed] = 0; sqlite3_result_text(context, p->z, p->nUsed, sqlite3_free); } } #endif /* ** The main and default testset */ void testset_main(void){ int i; /* Loop counter */ int n; /* iteration count */ int sz; /* Size of the tables */ int maxb; /* Maximum swizzled value */ unsigned x1 = 0, x2 = 0; /* Parameters */ int len = 0; /* Length of the zNum[] string */ char zNum[2000]; /* A number name */ sz = n = g.szTest*500; zNum[0] = 0; maxb = roundup_allones(sz); speedtest1_begin_test(100, "%d INSERTs into table with no index", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE%s TABLE z1(a INTEGER %s, b INTEGER %s, c TEXT %s);", isTemp(9), g.zNN, g.zNN, g.zNN); speedtest1_prepare("INSERT INTO z1 VALUES(?1,?2,?3); -- %d times", n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = swizzle(i,maxb); speedtest1_numbername(x1, zNum, sizeof(zNum)); sqlite3_bind_int64(g.pStmt, 1, (sqlite3_int64)x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, i); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 3, zNum, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz; speedtest1_begin_test(110, "%d ordered INSERTS with one index/PK", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_exec( "CREATE%s TABLE z2(a INTEGER %s %s, b INTEGER %s, c TEXT %s) %s", isTemp(5), g.zNN, g.zPK, g.zNN, g.zNN, g.zWR); speedtest1_prepare("INSERT INTO z2 VALUES(?1,?2,?3); -- %d times", n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = swizzle(i,maxb); speedtest1_numbername(x1, zNum, sizeof(zNum)); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, i); sqlite3_bind_int64(g.pStmt, 2, (sqlite3_int64)x1); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 3, zNum, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz; speedtest1_begin_test(120, "%d unordered INSERTS with one index/PK", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_exec( "CREATE%s TABLE t3(a INTEGER %s %s, b INTEGER %s, c TEXT %s) %s", isTemp(3), g.zNN, g.zPK, g.zNN, g.zNN, g.zWR); speedtest1_prepare("INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(?1,?2,?3); -- %d times", n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = swizzle(i,maxb); speedtest1_numbername(x1, zNum, sizeof(zNum)); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, i); sqlite3_bind_int64(g.pStmt, 1, (sqlite3_int64)x1); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 3, zNum, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER<3005004 sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "group_concat", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, 0, groupStep, groupFinal); #endif n = 25; speedtest1_begin_test(130, "%d SELECTS, numeric BETWEEN, unindexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT count(*), avg(b), sum(length(c)), group_concat(c) FROM z1\n" " WHERE b BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; x2 = speedtest1_random()%10 + sz/5000 + x1; } sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x2); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = 10; speedtest1_begin_test(140, "%d SELECTS, LIKE, unindexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT count(*), avg(b), sum(length(c)), group_concat(c) FROM z1\n" " WHERE c LIKE ?1; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; zNum[0] = '%'; len = speedtest1_numbername(i, zNum+1, sizeof(zNum)-2); zNum[len] = '%'; zNum[len+1] = 0; } sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zNum, len+1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = 10; speedtest1_begin_test(142, "%d SELECTS w/ORDER BY, unindexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT a, b, c FROM z1 WHERE c LIKE ?1\n" " ORDER BY a; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; zNum[0] = '%'; len = speedtest1_numbername(i, zNum+1, sizeof(zNum)-2); zNum[len] = '%'; zNum[len+1] = 0; } sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zNum, len+1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = 10; /* g.szTest/5; */ speedtest1_begin_test(145, "%d SELECTS w/ORDER BY and LIMIT, unindexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT a, b, c FROM z1 WHERE c LIKE ?1\n" " ORDER BY a LIMIT 10; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; zNum[0] = '%'; len = speedtest1_numbername(i, zNum+1, sizeof(zNum)-2); zNum[len] = '%'; zNum[len+1] = 0; } sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zNum, len+1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(150, "CREATE INDEX five times"); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN;"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t1b ON z1(b);"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t1c ON z1(c);"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t2b ON z2(b);"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t2c ON z2(c DESC);"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t3bc ON t3(b,c);"); speedtest1_exec("COMMIT;"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz/5; speedtest1_begin_test(160, "%d SELECTS, numeric BETWEEN, indexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT count(*), avg(b), sum(length(c)), group_concat(a) FROM z1\n" " WHERE b BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; x2 = speedtest1_random()%10 + sz/5000 + x1; } sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x2); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz/5; speedtest1_begin_test(161, "%d SELECTS, numeric BETWEEN, PK", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT count(*), avg(b), sum(length(c)), group_concat(a) FROM z2\n" " WHERE a BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; x2 = speedtest1_random()%10 + sz/5000 + x1; } sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x2); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz/5; speedtest1_begin_test(170, "%d SELECTS, text BETWEEN, indexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT count(*), avg(b), sum(length(c)), group_concat(a) FROM z1\n" " WHERE c BETWEEN ?1 AND (?1||'~'); -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ if( (i-1)%g.nRepeat==0 ){ x1 = swizzle(i, maxb); len = speedtest1_numbername(x1, zNum, sizeof(zNum)-1); } sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zNum, len, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz; speedtest1_begin_test(180, "%d INSERTS with three indexes", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_exec( "CREATE%s TABLE t4(\n" " a INTEGER %s %s,\n" " b INTEGER %s,\n" " c TEXT %s\n" ") %s", isTemp(1), g.zNN, g.zPK, g.zNN, g.zNN, g.zWR); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t4b ON t4(b)"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t4c ON t4(c)"); speedtest1_exec("INSERT INTO t4 SELECT * FROM z1"); speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz; speedtest1_begin_test(190, "DELETE and REFILL one table", n); speedtest1_exec("DELETE FROM z2;"); speedtest1_exec("INSERT INTO z2 SELECT * FROM z1;"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(200, "VACUUM"); speedtest1_exec("VACUUM"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(210, "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN, and query"); speedtest1_exec("ALTER TABLE z2 ADD COLUMN d INT DEFAULT 123"); speedtest1_exec("SELECT sum(d) FROM z2"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz/5; speedtest1_begin_test(230, "%d UPDATES, numeric BETWEEN, indexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "UPDATE z2 SET d=b*2 WHERE b BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb; x2 = speedtest1_random()%10 + sz/5000 + x1; sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x2); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz; speedtest1_begin_test(240, "%d UPDATES of individual rows", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "UPDATE z2 SET d=b*3 WHERE a=?1; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%sz + 1; sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(250, "One big UPDATE of the whole %d-row table", sz); speedtest1_exec("UPDATE z2 SET d=b*4"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(260, "Query added column after filling"); speedtest1_exec("SELECT sum(d) FROM z2"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz/5; speedtest1_begin_test(270, "%d DELETEs, numeric BETWEEN, indexed", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "DELETE FROM z2 WHERE b BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%maxb + 1; x2 = speedtest1_random()%10 + sz/5000 + x1; sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x2); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz; speedtest1_begin_test(280, "%d DELETEs of individual rows", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "DELETE FROM t3 WHERE a=?1; -- %d times", n ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%sz + 1; sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(290, "Refill two %d-row tables using REPLACE", sz); speedtest1_exec("REPLACE INTO z2(a,b,c) SELECT a,b,c FROM z1"); speedtest1_exec("REPLACE INTO t3(a,b,c) SELECT a,b,c FROM z1"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(300, "Refill a %d-row table using (b&1)==(a&1)", sz); speedtest1_exec("DELETE FROM z2;"); speedtest1_exec("INSERT INTO z2(a,b,c)\n" " SELECT a,b,c FROM z1 WHERE (b&1)==(a&1);"); speedtest1_exec("INSERT INTO z2(a,b,c)\n" " SELECT a,b,c FROM z1 WHERE (b&1)<>(a&1);"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = sz/5; speedtest1_begin_test(310, "%d four-ways joins", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT z1.c FROM z1, z2, t3, t4\n" " WHERE t4.a BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2\n" " AND t3.a=t4.b\n" " AND z2.a=t3.b\n" " AND z1.c=z2.c;" ); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = speedtest1_random()%sz + 1; x2 = speedtest1_random()%10 + x1 + 4; sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x2); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(320, "subquery in result set", n); speedtest1_prepare( "SELECT sum(a), max(c),\n" " avg((SELECT a FROM z2 WHERE 5+z2.b=z1.b) AND rowid=3008002 ? "WITHOUT ROWID" : ""); speedtest1_prepare("REPLACE INTO t6 VALUES(?1,?2); -- %d times",n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = swizzle(i,maxb); speedtest1_numbername(x1, zNum, sizeof(zNum)); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, i); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zNum, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(510, "%d SELECTS on a TEXT PK", n); if( g.doBigTransactions ){ /* See notes for test 410. */ speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); } speedtest1_prepare("SELECT b FROM t6 WHERE a=?1; -- %d times",n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ x1 = swizzle(i,maxb); speedtest1_numbername(x1, zNum, sizeof(zNum)); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zNum, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } if( g.doBigTransactions ){ speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); } speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(520, "%d SELECT DISTINCT", n); speedtest1_exec("SELECT DISTINCT b FROM t5;"); speedtest1_exec("SELECT DISTINCT b FROM t6;"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(980, "PRAGMA integrity_check"); speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA integrity_check"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(990, "ANALYZE"); speedtest1_exec("ANALYZE"); speedtest1_end_test(); } /* ** A testset for common table expressions. This exercises code ** for views, subqueries, co-routines, etc. */ void testset_cte(void){ static const char *azPuzzle[] = { /* Easy */ "534...9.." "67.195..." ".98....6." "8...6...3" "4..8.3..1" "....2...6" ".6....28." "...419..5" "...28..79", /* Medium */ "53....9.." "6..195..." ".98....6." "8...6...3" "4..8.3..1" "....2...6" ".6....28." "...419..5" "....8..79", /* Hard */ "53......." "6..195..." ".98....6." "8...6...3" "4..8.3..1" "....2...6" ".6....28." "...419..5" "....8..79", }; const char *zPuz; double rSpacing; int nElem; if( g.szTest<25 ){ zPuz = azPuzzle[0]; }else if( g.szTest<70 ){ zPuz = azPuzzle[1]; }else{ zPuz = azPuzzle[2]; } speedtest1_begin_test(100, "Sudoku with recursive 'digits'"); speedtest1_prepare( "WITH RECURSIVE\n" " input(sud) AS (VALUES(?1)),\n" " digits(z,lp) AS (\n" " VALUES('1', 1)\n" " UNION ALL\n" " SELECT CAST(lp+1 AS TEXT), lp+1 FROM digits WHERE lp<9\n" " ),\n" " x(s, ind) AS (\n" " SELECT sud, instr(sud, '.') FROM input\n" " UNION ALL\n" " SELECT\n" " substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1),\n" " instr( substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1), '.' )\n" " FROM x, digits AS z\n" " WHERE ind>0\n" " AND NOT EXISTS (\n" " SELECT 1\n" " FROM digits AS lp\n" " WHERE z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)/9)*9 + lp, 1)\n" " OR z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)%%9) + (lp-1)*9 + 1, 1)\n" " OR z.z = substr(s, (((ind-1)/3) %% 3) * 3\n" " + ((ind-1)/27) * 27 + lp\n" " + ((lp-1) / 3) * 6, 1)\n" " )\n" " )\n" "SELECT s FROM x WHERE ind=0;" ); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zPuz, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(200, "Sudoku with VALUES 'digits'"); speedtest1_prepare( "WITH RECURSIVE\n" " input(sud) AS (VALUES(?1)),\n" " digits(z,lp) AS (VALUES('1',1),('2',2),('3',3),('4',4),('5',5),\n" " ('6',6),('7',7),('8',8),('9',9)),\n" " x(s, ind) AS (\n" " SELECT sud, instr(sud, '.') FROM input\n" " UNION ALL\n" " SELECT\n" " substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1),\n" " instr( substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1), '.' )\n" " FROM x, digits AS z\n" " WHERE ind>0\n" " AND NOT EXISTS (\n" " SELECT 1\n" " FROM digits AS lp\n" " WHERE z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)/9)*9 + lp, 1)\n" " OR z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)%%9) + (lp-1)*9 + 1, 1)\n" " OR z.z = substr(s, (((ind-1)/3) %% 3) * 3\n" " + ((ind-1)/27) * 27 + lp\n" " + ((lp-1) / 3) * 6, 1)\n" " )\n" " )\n" "SELECT s FROM x WHERE ind=0;" ); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zPuz, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); speedtest1_end_test(); rSpacing = 5.0/g.szTest; speedtest1_begin_test(300, "Mandelbrot Set with spacing=%f", rSpacing); speedtest1_prepare( "WITH RECURSIVE \n" " xaxis(x) AS (VALUES(-2.0) UNION ALL SELECT x+?1 FROM xaxis WHERE x<1.2),\n" " yaxis(y) AS (VALUES(-1.0) UNION ALL SELECT y+?2 FROM yaxis WHERE y<1.0),\n" " m(iter, cx, cy, x, y) AS (\n" " SELECT 0, x, y, 0.0, 0.0 FROM xaxis, yaxis\n" " UNION ALL\n" " SELECT iter+1, cx, cy, x*x-y*y + cx, 2.0*x*y + cy FROM m \n" " WHERE (x*x + y*y) < 4.0 AND iter<28\n" " ),\n" " m2(iter, cx, cy) AS (\n" " SELECT max(iter), cx, cy FROM m GROUP BY cx, cy\n" " ),\n" " a(t) AS (\n" " SELECT group_concat( substr(' .+*#', 1+min(iter/7,4), 1), '') \n" " FROM m2 GROUP BY cy\n" " )\n" "SELECT group_concat(rtrim(t),x'0a') FROM a;" ); sqlite3_bind_double(g.pStmt, 1, rSpacing*.05); sqlite3_bind_double(g.pStmt, 2, rSpacing); speedtest1_run(); speedtest1_end_test(); nElem = 10000*g.szTest; speedtest1_begin_test(400, "EXCEPT operator on %d-element tables", nElem); speedtest1_prepare( "WITH RECURSIVE \n" " z1(x) AS (VALUES(2) UNION ALL SELECT x+2 FROM z1 WHERE x<%d),\n" " z2(y) AS (VALUES(3) UNION ALL SELECT y+3 FROM z2 WHERE y<%d)\n" "SELECT count(x), avg(x) FROM (\n" " SELECT x FROM z1 EXCEPT SELECT y FROM z2 ORDER BY 1\n" ");", nElem, nElem ); speedtest1_run(); speedtest1_end_test(); } /* ** Compute a pseudo-random floating point ascii number. */ void speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(char *zFP){ int x = speedtest1_random(); int y = speedtest1_random(); int z; z = y%10; if( z<0 ) z = -z; y /= 10; sqlite3_snprintf(100,zFP,"%d.%de%d",y,z,x%200); } /* ** A testset for floating-point numbers. */ void testset_fp(void){ int n; int i; char zFP1[100]; char zFP2[100]; n = g.szTest*5000; speedtest1_begin_test(100, "Fill a table with %d FP values", n*2); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE%s TABLE z1(a REAL %s, b REAL %s);", isTemp(1), g.zNN, g.zNN); speedtest1_prepare("INSERT INTO z1 VALUES(?1,?2); -- %d times", n); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(zFP1); speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(zFP2); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zFP1, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 2, zFP2, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = g.szTest/25 + 2; speedtest1_begin_test(110, "%d range queries", n); speedtest1_prepare("SELECT sum(b) FROM z1 WHERE a BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2"); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(zFP1); speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(zFP2); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zFP1, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 2, zFP2, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(120, "CREATE INDEX three times"); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN;"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t1a ON z1(a);"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t1b ON z1(b);"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE INDEX t1ab ON z1(a,b);"); speedtest1_exec("COMMIT;"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = g.szTest/3 + 2; speedtest1_begin_test(130, "%d indexed range queries", n); speedtest1_prepare("SELECT sum(b) FROM z1 WHERE a BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2"); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(zFP1); speedtest1_random_ascii_fp(zFP2); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 1, zFP1, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 2, zFP2, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_end_test(); n = g.szTest*5000; speedtest1_begin_test(140, "%d calls to round()", n); speedtest1_exec("SELECT sum(round(a,2)+round(b,4)) FROM z1;"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(150, "%d printf() calls", n*4); speedtest1_exec( "WITH c(fmt) AS (VALUES('%%g'),('%%e'),('%%!g'),('%%.20f'))" "SELECT sum(printf(fmt,a)) FROM z1, c" ); speedtest1_end_test(); } #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE /* Generate two numbers between 1 and mx. The first number is less than ** the second. Usually the numbers are near each other but can sometimes ** be far apart. */ static void twoCoords( int p1, int p2, /* Parameters adjusting sizes */ unsigned mx, /* Range of 1..mx */ unsigned *pX0, unsigned *pX1 /* OUT: write results here */ ){ unsigned d, x0, x1, span; span = mx/100 + 1; if( speedtest1_random()%3==0 ) span *= p1; if( speedtest1_random()%p2==0 ) span = mx/2; d = speedtest1_random()%span + 1; x0 = speedtest1_random()%(mx-d) + 1; x1 = x0 + d; *pX0 = x0; *pX1 = x1; } #endif #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE /* The following routine is an R-Tree geometry callback. It returns ** true if the object overlaps a slice on the Y coordinate between the ** two values given as arguments. In other words ** ** SELECT count(*) FROM rt1 WHERE id MATCH xslice(10,20); ** ** Is the same as saying: ** ** SELECT count(*) FROM rt1 WHERE y1>=10 AND y0<=20; */ static int xsliceGeometryCallback( sqlite3_rtree_geometry *p, int nCoord, double *aCoord, int *pRes ){ *pRes = aCoord[3]>=p->aParam[0] && aCoord[2]<=p->aParam[1]; return SQLITE_OK; } #endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE */ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE /* ** A testset for the R-Tree virtual table */ void testset_rtree(int p1, int p2){ unsigned i, n; unsigned mxCoord; unsigned x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1; unsigned iStep; unsigned mxRowid; int *aCheck = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(int)*g.szTest*500 ); mxCoord = 15000; mxRowid = n = g.szTest*500; speedtest1_begin_test(100, "%d INSERTs into an r-tree", n); speedtest1_exec("BEGIN"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE rt1 USING rtree(id,x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1)"); speedtest1_prepare("INSERT INTO rt1(id,x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1)" "VALUES(?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7)"); for(i=1; i<=n; i++){ twoCoords(p1, p2, mxCoord, &x0, &x1); twoCoords(p1, p2, mxCoord, &y0, &y1); twoCoords(p1, p2, mxCoord, &z0, &z1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 1, i); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, x0); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 3, x1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 4, y0); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 5, y1); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 6, z0); sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 7, z1); speedtest1_run(); } speedtest1_exec("COMMIT"); speedtest1_end_test(); speedtest1_begin_test(101, "Copy from rtree to a regular table"); speedtest1_exec("CREATE TABLE z1(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1)"); speedtest1_exec("INSERT INTO z1 SELECT * FROM rt1"); speedtest1_end_test(); n = g.szTest*200; speedtest1_begin_test(110, "%d one-dimensional intersect slice queries", n); speedtest1_prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM rt1 WHERE x0>=?1 AND x1<=?2"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i=?1 AND x1<=?2"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i=?1 AND y0<=?2"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i=?1 AND y0<=?2"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i=?1 AND x0<=?2" " AND y1>=?1 AND y0<=?2 AND z1>=?1 AND z0<=?2"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i=?1 AND y0<=?1+5"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i=?1 AND y0<=?1+5"); iStep = mxCoord/n; for(i=0; i #include /* ** Attempt to display I/O stats on Linux using /proc/PID/io */ static void displayLinuxIoStats(FILE *out){ FILE *in; char z[200]; sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(z), z, "/proc/%d/io", getpid()); in = fopen(z, "rb"); if( in==0 ) return; while( fgets(z, sizeof(z), in)!=0 ){ static const struct { const char *zPattern; const char *zDesc; } aTrans[] = { { "rchar: ", "Bytes received by read():" }, { "wchar: ", "Bytes sent to write():" }, { "syscr: ", "Read() system calls:" }, { "syscw: ", "Write() system calls:" }, { "read_bytes: ", "Bytes rcvd from storage:" }, { "write_bytes: ", "Bytes sent to storage:" }, { "cancelled_write_bytes: ", "Cancelled write bytes:" }, }; int i; for(i=0; i=argc-(N) ) fatal_error("missing argument on %s\n", argv[i]) /* Display the version of SQLite being tested */ printf("-- Speedtest1 for SQLite %s %.48s\n", sqlite3_libversion(), sqlite3_sourceid()); /* Process command-line arguments */ g.zWR = ""; g.zNN = ""; g.zPK = "UNIQUE"; g.szTest = 100; g.nRepeat = 1; for(i=1; i=3006000 }else if( strcmp(z,"multithread")==0 ){ sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD); }else if( strcmp(z,"nomemstat")==0 ){ sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS, 0); #endif #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007017 }else if( strcmp(z, "mmap")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); mmapSize = integerValue(argv[++i]); #endif }else if( strcmp(z,"nolongdouble")==0 ){ #ifdef SQLITE_TESTCTRL_USELONGDOUBLE sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_USELONGDOUBLE, 0); #endif }else if( strcmp(z,"nomutex")==0 ){ openFlags |= SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX; }else if( strcmp(z,"nosync")==0 ){ noSync = 1; }else if( strcmp(z,"notnull")==0 ){ g.zNN = "NOT NULL"; }else if( strcmp(z,"output")==0 ){ #ifdef SPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH fatal_error("The --output option is not supported with" " -DSPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH\n"); #else ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); i++; if( strcmp(argv[i],"-")==0 ){ g.hashFile = stdout; }else{ g.hashFile = fopen(argv[i], "wb"); if( g.hashFile==0 ){ fatal_error("cannot open \"%s\" for writing\n", argv[i]); } } #endif }else if( strcmp(z,"pagesize")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); pageSize = integerValue(argv[++i]); }else if( strcmp(z,"pcache")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(2); nPCache = integerValue(argv[i+1]); szPCache = integerValue(argv[i+2]); doPCache = 1; i += 2; }else if( strcmp(z,"primarykey")==0 ){ g.zPK = "PRIMARY KEY"; }else if( strcmp(z,"repeat")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); g.nRepeat = integerValue(argv[++i]); }else if( strcmp(z,"reprepare")==0 ){ g.bReprepare = 1; #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3006000 }else if( strcmp(z,"serialized")==0 ){ sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED); }else if( strcmp(z,"singlethread")==0 ){ sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD); #endif }else if( strcmp(z,"script")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); if( g.pScript ) fclose(g.pScript); g.pScript = fopen(argv[++i], "wb"); if( g.pScript==0 ){ fatal_error("unable to open output file \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); } }else if( strcmp(z,"sqlonly")==0 ){ g.bSqlOnly = 1; }else if( strcmp(z,"shrink-memory")==0 ){ g.bMemShrink = 1; }else if( strcmp(z,"size")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); g.szTest = integerValue(argv[++i]); }else if( strcmp(z,"stats")==0 ){ showStats = 1; }else if( strcmp(z,"temp")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); i++; if( argv[i][0]<'0' || argv[i][0]>'9' || argv[i][1]!=0 ){ fatal_error("argument to --temp should be integer between 0 and 9"); } g.eTemp = argv[i][0] - '0'; }else if( strcmp(z,"testset")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); zTSet = argv[++i]; }else if( strcmp(z,"trace")==0 ){ doTrace = 1; }else if( strcmp(z,"threads")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); nThread = integerValue(argv[++i]); }else if( strcmp(z,"utf16le")==0 ){ zEncoding = "utf16le"; }else if( strcmp(z,"utf16be")==0 ){ zEncoding = "utf16be"; }else if( strcmp(z,"verify")==0 ){ g.bVerify = 1; #ifndef SPEEDTEST_OMIT_HASH HashInit(); #endif }else if( strcmp(z,"vfs")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); zVfs = argv[++i]; }else if( strcmp(z,"reserve")==0 ){ ARGC_VALUE_CHECK(1); g.nReserve = atoi(argv[++i]); }else if( strcmp(z,"stmtscanstatus")==0 ){ g.stmtScanStatus = 1; }else if( strcmp(z,"without-rowid")==0 ){ if( strstr(g.zWR,"WITHOUT")!=0 ){ /* no-op */ }else if( strstr(g.zWR,"STRICT")!=0 ){ g.zWR = "WITHOUT ROWID,STRICT"; }else{ g.zWR = "WITHOUT ROWID"; } g.zPK = "PRIMARY KEY"; }else if( strcmp(z,"strict")==0 ){ if( strstr(g.zWR,"STRICT")!=0 ){ /* no-op */ }else if( strstr(g.zWR,"WITHOUT")!=0 ){ g.zWR = "WITHOUT ROWID,STRICT"; }else{ g.zWR = "STRICT"; } }else if( strcmp(z, "help")==0 || strcmp(z,"?")==0 ){ printf(zHelp, argv[0]); exit(0); }else{ fatal_error("unknown option: %s\nUse \"%s -?\" for help\n", argv[i], argv[0]); } }else if( zDbName==0 ){ zDbName = argv[i]; }else{ fatal_error("surplus argument: %s\nUse \"%s -?\" for help\n", argv[i], argv[0]); } } #undef ARGC_VALUE_CHECK #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3006001 if( nHeap>0 ){ pHeap = malloc( nHeap ); if( pHeap==0 ) fatal_error("cannot allocate %d-byte heap\n", nHeap); rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP, pHeap, nHeap, mnHeap); if( rc ) fatal_error("heap configuration failed: %d\n", rc); } if( doPCache ){ if( nPCache>0 && szPCache>0 ){ pPCache = malloc( nPCache*(sqlite3_int64)szPCache ); if( pPCache==0 ) fatal_error("cannot allocate %lld-byte pcache\n", nPCache*(sqlite3_int64)szPCache); } rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE, pPCache, szPCache, nPCache); if( rc ) fatal_error("pcache configuration failed: %d\n", rc); } if( nLook>=0 ){ sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE, 0, 0); } #endif sqlite3_initialize(); if( zDbName!=0 ){ sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(zVfs); /* For some VFSes, e.g. opfs, unlink() is not sufficient. Use the ** selected (or default) VFS's xDelete method to delete the ** database. This is specifically important for the "opfs" VFS ** when running from a WASM build of speedtest1, so that the db ** can be cleaned up properly. For historical compatibility, we'll ** also simply unlink(). */ if( pVfs!=0 ){ pVfs->xDelete(pVfs, zDbName, 1); } unlink(zDbName); } /* Open the database and the input file */ if( sqlite3_open_v2(memDb ? ":memory:" : zDbName, &g.db, openFlags, zVfs) ){ fatal_error("Cannot open database file: %s\n", zDbName); } #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3006001 if( nLook>0 && szLook>0 ){ pLook = malloc( nLook*szLook ); rc = sqlite3_db_config(g.db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LOOKASIDE,pLook,szLook,nLook); if( rc ) fatal_error("lookaside configuration failed: %d\n", rc); } #endif if( g.nReserve>0 ){ sqlite3_file_control(g.db, 0, SQLITE_FCNTL_RESERVE_BYTES, &g.nReserve); } if( g.stmtScanStatus ){ sqlite3_db_config(g.db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_STMT_SCANSTATUS, 1, 0); } /* Set database connection options */ sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "random", 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, randomFunc, 0, 0); #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED if( doTrace ) sqlite3_trace(g.db, traceCallback, 0); #endif if( memDb>0 ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA temp_store=memory"); } if( mmapSize>0 ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA mmap_size=%d", mmapSize); } speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA threads=%d", nThread); if( zKey ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA key('%s')", zKey); } if( zEncoding ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA encoding=%s", zEncoding); } if( doAutovac ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA auto_vacuum=FULL"); }else if( doIncrvac ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA auto_vacuum=INCREMENTAL"); } if( pageSize ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA page_size=%d", pageSize); } if( cacheSize ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA cache_size=%d", cacheSize); } if( noSync ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF"); }else if( doFullFSync ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA fullfsync=ON"); } if( doExclusive ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE"); } if( zJMode ){ speedtest1_exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=%s", zJMode); } if( g.bExplain ) printf(".explain\n.echo on\n"); do{ char *zThisTest = zTSet; char *zComma = strchr(zThisTest,','); if( zComma ){ *zComma = 0; zTSet = zComma+1; }else{ zTSet = ""; } if( g.iTotal>0 || zComma!=0 ){ printf(" Begin testset \"%s\"\n", zThisTest); } if( strcmp(zThisTest,"main")==0 ){ testset_main(); }else if( strcmp(zThisTest,"debug1")==0 ){ testset_debug1(); }else if( strcmp(zThisTest,"orm")==0 ){ testset_orm(); }else if( strcmp(zThisTest,"cte")==0 ){ testset_cte(); }else if( strcmp(zThisTest,"fp")==0 ){ testset_fp(); }else if( strcmp(zThisTest,"trigger")==0 ){ testset_trigger(); }else if( strcmp(zThisTest,"rtree")==0 ){ #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE testset_rtree(6, 147); #else fatal_error("compile with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE to enable " "the R-Tree tests\n"); #endif }else{ fatal_error("unknown testset: \"%s\"\n" "Choices: cte debug1 fp main orm rtree trigger\n", zThisTest); } if( zTSet[0] ){ char *zSql, *zObj; speedtest1_begin_test(999, "Reset the database"); while( 1 ){ zObj = speedtest1_once( "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_master" " WHERE sql LIKE 'CREATE %%TABLE%%'"); if( zObj==0 ) break; zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("DROP TABLE main.\"%w\"", zObj); speedtest1_exec(zSql); sqlite3_free(zSql); sqlite3_free(zObj); } while( 1 ){ zObj = speedtest1_once( "SELECT name FROM temp.sqlite_master" " WHERE sql LIKE 'CREATE %%TABLE%%'"); if( zObj==0 ) break; zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("DROP TABLE main.\"%w\"", zObj); speedtest1_exec(zSql); sqlite3_free(zSql); sqlite3_free(zObj); } speedtest1_end_test(); } }while( zTSet[0] ); speedtest1_final(); if( showStats ){ sqlite3_exec(g.db, "PRAGMA compile_options", xCompileOptions, 0, 0); } /* Database connection statistics printed after both prepared statements ** have been finalized */ #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007009 if( showStats ){ sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_USED, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Lookaside Slots Used: %d (max %d)\n", iCur,iHi); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Successful lookasides: %d\n", iHi); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_SIZE, &iCur,&iHi,0); printf("-- Lookaside size faults: %d\n", iHi); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_MISS_FULL, &iCur,&iHi,0); printf("-- Lookaside OOM faults: %d\n", iHi); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Pager Heap Usage: %d bytes\n", iCur); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT, &iCur, &iHi, 1); printf("-- Page cache hits: %d\n", iCur); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS, &iCur, &iHi, 1); printf("-- Page cache misses: %d\n", iCur); #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007012 sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE, &iCur, &iHi, 1); printf("-- Page cache writes: %d\n", iCur); #endif sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Schema Heap Usage: %d bytes\n", iCur); sqlite3_db_status(g.db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Statement Heap Usage: %d bytes\n", iCur); } #endif sqlite3_close(g.db); #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3006001 /* Global memory usage statistics printed after the database connection ** has closed. Memory usage should be zero at this point. */ if( showStats ){ sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Memory Used (bytes): %d (max %d)\n", iCur,iHi); #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER>=3007000 sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Outstanding Allocations: %d (max %d)\n", iCur,iHi); #endif sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Pcache Overflow Bytes: %d (max %d)\n", iCur,iHi); sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Largest Allocation: %d bytes\n",iHi); sqlite3_status(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, &iCur, &iHi, 0); printf("-- Largest Pcache Allocation: %d bytes\n",iHi); } #endif #ifdef __linux__ if( showStats ){ displayLinuxIoStats(stdout); } #endif if( g.pScript ){ fclose(g.pScript); } /* Release memory */ free( pLook ); free( pPCache ); free( pHeap ); return 0; } #ifdef SQLITE_SPEEDTEST1_WASM /* ** A workaround for some inconsistent behaviour with how ** main() does (or does not) get exported to WASM. */ int wasm_main(int argc, char **argv){ return main(argc, argv); } #endif