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Search results 1..8 of 8 for: hot journal

 ... 4.1 Dealing with hot journals Before reading from a database file, SQLite always checks to see if that database file has a hot journal. If the file does have a hot journal, then the journal is rolled back before ... 
Atomic Commit In SQLite
4.5. Deleting The Hot Journal After all information in the rollback journal has been played back into the database file (and flushed to disk in case we encounter yet another power failure), the hot rollback journal can be deleted. As in section 3.11, the ... 
8+3 Filenames
 ... Using a database file with 8+3 filenames in some cases while in other cases using long filenames is equivalent to deleting a hot journal. This page last modified on 2022-01-08 05:02:57 UTC
1.3. Deleting a hot journal  ... Such journal files are described as "hot". The journal files have the same name as the original database file with the addition of -journal or -wal suffix. SQLite must see the journal files in order to recover from a crash ... 
2.1. Rollback Journals  ... The next time another application attempts to open the database file, it notices the presence of the abandoned rollback journal (we call it a "hot journal" in this circumstance) and uses the information in the journal to restore the database ... 
Database File Format
1.1. Hot Journals  ... When a rollback journal or write-ahead log contains information necessary for recovering the state of the database, they are called a "hot journal" or "hot WAL file". Hot journals and WAL files are only a factor during error recovery ... 
Result and Error Codes
6. Result Code Meanings  ... The SQLITE_READONLY_ROLLBACK error code indicates that a database cannot be opened because it has a hot journal that needs to be rolled back but cannot because the database is readonly. (778) SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE The SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE error code is an extended error ... 
 ... Note that if the previous process to have the database did not exit cleanly and left behind a hot journal, then the write permission is required to recover the database after opening, and the database cannot be opened read-only ... 

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