1. Introduction
... For this latter group, SQLite supports a strict typing
mode, as of version 3.37.0 (2021-11-27), that is enabled
separately for each table.
The Advantages Of Flexible Typing
5. If You Insist On Rigid Type Enforcement...
As of SQLite version 3.37.0 (2021-11-27), SQLite supports this
development style using STRICT tables.
If you find a real-world case where STRICT tables prevented or
would have prevented a bug in an application, please post ...
Quirks, Caveats, and Gotchas In SQLite
5. PRIMARY KEYs Can Sometimes Contain NULLs
... The WITHOUT ROWID and STRICT features was added after this bug was
discovered, and so WITHOUT ROWID and STRICT tables work correctly:
They disallow NULLs in the PRIMARY KEY.
Recovering Data From A Corrupt SQLite Database
1.1. Limitations
... CHECK constraints,
FOREIGN KEY constraints, UNIQUE constraints, type constraints on
STRICT tables - any of these might be violated in the recovered
Content might be moved from one table into another.
The recovery API does as good of a job ...
... Whether the table is subject to strict type checking.
Every CREATE TABLE statement must specify a name for the new table.
Table names that begin with "sqlite_" are reserved for internal use. It
is an error to attempt to create ...
Datatypes In SQLite
1. Datatypes In SQLite
... As of version 3.37.0 (2021-11-27), SQLite provides STRICT tables
that do rigid type enforcement, for developers who prefer that kind of thing.
Result and Error Codes
6. Result Code Meanings
... But in a few
cases, SQLite is strict about types. The SQLITE_MISMATCH error is
returned in those few cases when the types do not match.
The rowid of a table must be an integer. Attempt to set the rowid
to ...
Pragma statements supported by SQLite
PRAGMA table_list
... 1 if the table is a STRICT table or 0 if it is not.
Additional columns will likely be added in future releases.
The default behavior is to show all tables in all schemas. If the
schema. name appears before ...
Dynamic Memory Allocation In SQLite
3. Configuration
... However, applications with unusual or particularly
strict requirements may want to adjust the configuration to more closely
align SQLite to their needs.
Both compile-time and start-time configuration options are available.
Recent SQLite News
... The biggest new feature in this release is support for
STRICT tables. Other enhancements are described in
the release notes.
2021-06-18 - Version 3.36.0
Version 3.36.0 is a routine maintenance release of SQLite.
There are ...
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