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Search results 1..10 of 15 for: fts3

Overview  ... This article describes the deployment and usage of FTS3 and FTS4. FTS1 and FTS2 are obsolete full-text search modules for SQLite. There are known issues with these older modules and their use should be avoided. Portions of the original ... 
3. Limitations  ... For several of SQLite's bundled virtual tables (FTS3, FTS5, rtree and others), the surprising effects may include corruption of the virtual table content. If the --vtab option is passed to sqldiff.exe, then it ignores all underlying shadow tables ... 
3.1. Pointer Types  ... The carray() function treats the pointer as a pointer to an array of integers and returns each integer one by one, thus leaking the content of the FTS3 cursor object. Since the FTS3 cursor object contains pointers to other objects ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
Appendix A: Comparison with FTS3/4 Also available is the similar but more mature FTS3/4 module. FTS5 is a new version of FTS4 that includes various fixes and solutions for problems that could not be fixed in FTS4 without sacrificing backwards compatibility. Some of these ... 
List Of Virtual Tables
2. Virtual Tables  ... in a selected file hierarchy of the host computer. Used by the CLI to help implement the .archive command. FTS3 A high-performance full-text search index. FTS5 A higher-performance full-text search index generate_series A table-valued function ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... The older FTS3 virtual table is still fully supported, and should also run faster. In addition, the new FTS4 virtual table is added. FTS4 follows the same syntax as FTS3 but holds additional metadata which facilitates some performance improvements and ... 
The SQLite Amalgamation
2. The SQLite Amalgamation  ... The makefiles for SQLite have an "sqlite3.c" target for building the amalgamation, to contain all C code for the core SQLite library and the FTS3, FTS5, RTREE, DBSTAT, JSON1, RBU and SESSION extensions. This file contains about 238K lines ... 
The RBU Extension
2.2.3. Using RBU with FTS3/4 Tables Usually, an FTS3 or FTS4 table is an example of a virtual table with a rowid that works like a PRIMARY KEY. So, for the following FTS4 tables: CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft1 USING fts4(addr, text); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft2 ... 
3. Status Of Recent SQLite CVEs  ... 05-22) Malicious SQL statement causes a read of a NULL pointer in the matchinfo() SQL function of the FTS3 extension, resulting in denial of service. (details) CVE-2020-13631 3.32.0(2020-05-22) Malicious SQL statement (an ... 
2.21. The xShadowName Method  ... For example, when content is inserted into the FTS3 virtual table, the data is ultimately stored in real tables named "%_content", "%_segdir", "%_segments", "%_stat", and "%_docsize" where "%" is the name of the original virtual table. This auxiliary real tables that ... 


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