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Search results 61..70 of 72 for: trigger

 ... It is not an error to create a table that has the same name as an existing trigger. Tables are removed using the DROP TABLE statement. 2.1. CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT Statements A "CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT" statement creates ... 
 ... An automated undo/redo stack, managed using triggers, can be kept in the on-disk database, meaning that undo/redo can occur across session boundaries. Easily Extensible. As an application grows, new features can be added to an SQLite application ... 
 ... The name of the function comes from the fact that this is similar to the "new.*" columns available to update or delete triggers. If some other error occurs (e.g. an OOM condition), an SQLite error code is returned and ... 
Built-In Scalar SQL Functions
 ... changes() The changes() function returns the number of database rows that were changed or inserted or deleted by the most recently completed INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement, exclusive of statements in lower-level triggers. The changes() SQL function is a ... 
The RBU Extension
2.1. RBU Update Limitations  ... The RBU update will not fire any triggers. The RBU update will not detect or prevent foreign key or CHECK constraint violations. All RBU updates use the "OR ROLLBACK" constraint handling mechanism. The target database may not be in WAL ... 
 ... We could continue to enhance the schema with new tables, with indexes added for performance, with triggers and views for programming convenience, and constraints to enforce consistency of content even in the face of programming errors. Further enhancement ideas include ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... Limitations And Caveats The WITH clause cannot be used within a CREATE TRIGGER. The WITH clause must appear at the beginning of a top-level SELECT statement or at the beginning of a subquery. The WITH clause cannot be prepended ... 
 ... Temporary tables and their indices and triggers occur in another special table named SQLITE_TEMP_SCHEMA. SQLITE_TEMP_SCHEMA works just like SQLITE_SCHEMA except that it is only visible to the application that created the temporary tables. To get a list of all tables ... 
Write-Ahead Logging
2.3. Performance Considerations  ... This has the effect of causing most COMMIT operations to be very fast but an occasional COMMIT (those that trigger a checkpoint) to be much slower. If that effect is undesirable, then the application can disable automatic checkpointing and run ... 
SQL Language Expressions
 ... the WHERE clause of a SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE statement, the ON or USING clause of a join in a SELECT statement, the HAVING clause of a SELECT statement, the WHEN clause of an SQL trigger, and the WHEN clause ... 


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