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Search results 51..59 of 59 for: ADD COLUMN

Compile-time Options
7. Options To Enable Features Normally Turned Off  ... SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4 This option adds additional logic to the ANALYZE command and to the query planner that can help SQLite to chose a better query plan under certain situations. The ANALYZE command is enhanced to collect histogram data from all columns ... 
 ... As an application grows, new features can be added to an SQLite application file format simply by adding new tables to the schema or by adding new columns to existing tables. Adding columns or tables does not change the meaning ... 
Floating Point Numbers
 ... If you do many similar computations as part of your program, the errors add up so that your final result might be completely meaningless. The error arises because only about the first 15 significant digits of each number are stored ... 
Profiling SQL Queries
 ... These values never quite add up to the total cycles for the query, as there are other internal operations performed by SQLite that are not directly attributable to either loop. The cycles count for the "SCAN t1" loop was 345950 ... 
Built-In Scalar SQL Functions
 ... The extension can add new functions or collating sequences, but cannot modify or delete existing functions or collating sequences because those functions and/or collating sequences might be used elsewhere in the currently running SQL statement. To load an extension ... 
The Next-Generation Query Planner
5. Checklist For Avoiding Or Fixing Query Planner Problems  ... In particular, avoid using boolean or "enum" columns as the left-most columns of your indexes. The Fossil performance problem described in the previous section of this document arose because there were over ten-thousand entries in the TAGXREF table ... 
35% Faster Than The Filesystem
 ... To put the tests on a more equal footing, add either the --nosync option to the SQLite writes to disable calling fsync() or FlushFileBuffers() to force content to disk, or using the --fsync option for the direct-to-disk tests ... 
Date And Time Functions
 ... The "auto" modifier is designed to work with time-values even in cases where it is not known which time-value format is stored in the database file, or in cases where the same column stores time-values in different ... 
How SQLite Is Tested
8.6. Undefined Behavior Checks  ... For example, when adding two integer column values together as part of an SQL statement, SQLite does not simply add them together using the C-language "+" operator. Instead, it first checks to make sure the addition will not overflow, and ... 


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