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Search results 51..54 of 54 for: "locking."

The RBU Extension
2.1. RBU Update Limitations  ... A read-lock is held on the target database to prevent this.
SQLite Older News
 ... 2008-12-16 - Version 3.6.7 SQLite version 3.6.7 contains a major cleanup of the Unix driver, and support for the new Proxy Locking mechanism on Mac OS X. Though the Unix driver is reorganized, its functionality ... 
 ... The Commit instruction deletes the journal file and releases the write lock on the database. A read lock continues to be held if there are still cursors open. 12    Halt       ... 
3. Special commands to sqlite3 (dot-commands)  ... in a system shell .tables ?TABLE? List names of tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE .timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds .timer on|off Turn SQL timer on or off .trace ?OPTIONS? Output each SQL statement as it ... 


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