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Search results 41..50 of 59 for: ADD COLUMN

 ... The order of slides in the presentation is determined by a list of slideIds, stored as a text string in the MANIFEST column of the VERSION table. Since multiple entries are allowed in the VERSION table, that means that multiple ... 
PRAGMA table_list  ... As of its initial release the columns returned by the table_list pragma include those listed below. Future versions of SQLite will probably add additional columns of output. schema: the schema in which the table or view appears (for example "main ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... Run the initial-select and add the results to a queue. While the queue is not empty: Extract a single row from the queue. Insert that single row into the recursive table Pretend that the single row just extracted is ... 
1.5. Summary  ... Nor is it possible to use the ALTER TABLE command to add extra columns to FTS tables (although it is possible to use ALTER TABLE to rename an FTS table). Data-types specified as part of the "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ... 
The Session Extension
2.1. Changesets and Patchsets  ... The name of the database table, The number of columns the table has, and Which of those columns are PRIMARY KEY columns. Changesets may only be applied to databases that contain tables matching the above three criteria as stored in ... 
1.1. Untrusted SQL Inputs  ... For example, an application that does not need to change the database schema might add an sqlite3_set_authorizer() callback that causes any CREATE or DROP statement to fail. The SQL language is very powerful, and so it is always possible for ... 
4. The Opcodes  ... an integer, just add 0. Affinity Apply affinities to a range of P2 registers starting with P1. P4 is a string that is P2 characters long. The N-th character of the string indicates the column affinity that should be ... 
 ... Every geopoly table contains a built-in integer "rowid" column and a "_shape" column that contains the polygon associated with that row of the table. The example above also defines three auxiliary data columns named "a", "b", and "c" that ... 
SQL Language Expressions
 ... When the right operand of an IN or NOT IN operator is a subquery, the subquery must have the same number of columns as there are columns in the row value of the left operand. The subquery on the right ... 
 ... The Column instructions at addresses 6 and 7 each take the P2-th column from the P1-th cursor and push it onto the stack. In this example, the first Column instruction is pushing the value for the column "one ... 


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