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Search results 41..50 of 54 for: "locking."

C API: Mutexes
sqlite3_mutex_alloc(), sqlite3_mutex_free(), sqlite3_mutex_enter(), sqlite3_mutex_try(), sqlite3_mutex_leave()
 ... SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP The SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP implementation is a set of routines that does no real locking and is appropriate for use in a single-threaded application. The SQLITE_MUTEX_PTHREADS and SQLITE_MUTEX_W32 implementations are appropriate for use on Unix and Windows. If ... 
Database File Format
1.4. The Lock-Byte Page The lock-byte page is the single page of the database file that contains the bytes at offsets between 1073741824 and 1073742335, inclusive. A database file that is less than or equal to 1073741824 bytes in size contains no lock ... 
Appropriate Uses For SQLite
2. Situations Where A Client/Server RDBMS May Work Better  ... Also, file locking logic is buggy in many network filesystem implementations (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work correctly, two or more clients might try to modify the same part of the same database at the ... 
 ... VACUUM (but not VACUUM INTO) is a write operation and so if another database connection is holding a lock that prevents writes, then the VACUUM will fail. An alternative to using the VACUUM command to reclaim space after data has ... 
2.1. Rollback Journals  ... If an application puts SQLite in exclusive locking mode using the pragma: PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE; SQLite creates a new rollback journal at the start of the first transaction within an exclusive locking mode session. But at the conclusion of the ... 
The DBSTAT Virtual Table
1. Overview  ... Freelist pages, pointer-map pages, and the lock page are omitted from the analysis. By default, there is a single row in the DBSTAT table for each btree page the database file. Each row provides information about the space utilization ... 
 ... The page cache also provides the rollback and atomic commit abstraction and takes care of locking of the database file. The B-tree driver requests particular pages from the page cache and notifies the page cache when it wants to ... 
3.5. Reading And Writing At The Same Time  ... Attempts to do so will fail with a SQLITE_LOCKED "database table is locked" error. So, for example, suppose an application runs one query against an R-Tree like this: SELECT id FROM demo_index WHERE maxY>=35.0 AND minY ... 
 ... And because a server is a single persistent process, it is able control database access with more precision, allowing for finer grain locking and better concurrency. Most SQL database engines are client/server based. Of those that are serverless, SQLite ... 
4. The Opcodes  ... A readlock is obtained if P3==0 or a write lock if P3==1. P2 contains the root-page of the table to lock. P4 contains a pointer to the name of the table being locked. This is only used ... 


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