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Search results 31..40 of 46 for: wal

SQLite Shared-Cache Mode
1.1. Use of shared-cache is discouraged  ... Most use cases for shared-cache are better served by WAL mode. Shared-cache mode was invented in 2006 at the request of developers of Symbian. Their problem was that if the contacts database on the phone was being synced ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... 2011-05-19 - Version SQLite version is a patch release that fixes a single bug associated with WAL mode. The bug has been in SQLite ever since WAL was added, but the ... 
3.28. The wal_hook method This method registers a callback routine that is invoked after transaction commit when the database is in WAL mode. Two arguments are appended to the callback command before it is invoked: The name of the database on which the transaction ... 
The Checksum VFS Shim
4. Usage  ... If the database is in WAL mode, you should shutdown and reopen all database connections before continuing. From the CLI, use the ".filectrl reserve_bytes 8" command, followed by "VACUUM;". Note that SQLite allows the number of reserve-bytes to be ... 
 ... When overwriting the original, a rollback journal or write-ahead log WAL file is used just as it would be for any other database transaction. This means that when VACUUMing a database, as much as twice the size of the ... 
3. Limitations The database files must both be in WAL mode, and must have the same page-size. While sqlite3_rsync is running, REPLICA is read-only. Queries can be run against REPLICA while this utility is running, just not write transactions. Only ... 
Compile-time Options
2. Recommended Compile-time Options  ... However, in WAL mode, complete database integrity is guaranteed with PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL. With PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL in WAL mode, recent changes to the database might be rolled back by a power loss, but the database will not be corrupted ... 
 ... EXCLUSIVE and IMMEDIATE are the same in WAL mode, but in other journaling modes, EXCLUSIVE prevents other database connections from reading the database while the transaction is underway. 2.3. Implicit versus explicit transactions An implicit transaction (a transaction that ... 
35% Faster Than The Filesystem
2.2. Write Performance Measurements  ... The next chart compares SQLite database updates in WAL mode against raw direct-to-disk overwrites of separate files on disk. The PRAGMA synchronous setting is NORMAL. All database writes are in a single transaction. The timer for the database ... 
 ... Host an SQLite database in WAL mode, but do all reads and writes from processes on the same machine that stores the database file. Implement a proxy that runs on the database machine that relays read/write requests from remote ... 


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