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Search results 31..40 of 72 for: trigger

Full-Featured SQL
 ... Tables, indexes, triggers, and views in unlimited quantity Up to 32K columns in a table and unlimited rows Multi-column indexes Indexes can use DESC and COLLATE Partial indexes Indexes On Expressions Clustered indexes Covering indexes CHECK, UNIQUE, NOT NULL ... 
sqlite3_complete(), sqlite3_complete16()
 ... A statement is judged to be complete if it ends with a semicolon token and is not a prefix of a well-formed CREATE TRIGGER statement. Semicolons that are embedded within string literals or quoted identifier names or comments are ... 
C API: Compile-Time Authorization Callbacks
 ... If the authorizer callback returns any value other than SQLITE_IGNORE, SQLITE_OK, or SQLITE_DENY then the sqlite3_prepare_v2() or equivalent call that triggered the authorizer will fail with an error message. When the callback returns SQLITE_OK, that means the operation requested is ... 
C API: Run-Time Limit Categories
 ... SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH The maximum depth of recursion for triggers. SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS The maximum number of auxiliary worker threads that a single prepared statement may start. See also lists of Objects, Constants, and Functions.
C API: Function Flags
 ... SQLITE_DIRECTONLY The SQLITE_DIRECTONLY flag means that the function may only be invoked from top-level SQL, and cannot be used in VIEWs or TRIGGERs nor in schema structures such as CHECK constraints, DEFAULT clauses, expression indexes, partial indexes, or generated ... 
 ... When the REPLACE conflict resolution strategy deletes rows in order to satisfy a constraint, delete triggers fire if and only if recursive triggers are enabled. The update hook is not invoked for rows that are deleted by the REPLACE conflict ... 
Hints for Debugging SQLite
 ... void sqlite3ShowExpr(const Expr*); void sqlite3ShowExprList(const ExprList*); void sqlite3ShowIdList(const IdList*); void sqlite3ShowSrcList(const SrcList*); void sqlite3ShowSelect(const Select*); void sqlite3ShowWith(const With*); void sqlite3ShowUpsert(const Upsert*); void sqlite3ShowTrigger(const Trigger*); void sqlite3ShowTriggerList(const Trigger*); void sqlite3ShowTriggerStep(const TriggerStep ... 
 ... However, in many cases you can use an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view to accomplish the same thing. Views are removed with the DROP VIEW command. If a column-name list follows the view-name, then that list determines ... 
sqlite3_commit_hook(), sqlite3_rollback_hook()
 ... Any actions to modify the database connection must be deferred until after the completion of the sqlite3_step() call that triggered the commit or rollback hook in the first place. Note that running any other SQL statements, including SELECT statements, or ... 
SQLite Foreign Key Support
4.3. ON DELETE and ON UPDATE Actions  ... Bojangles 0 Those familiar with SQLite triggers will have noticed that the "ON DELETE SET DEFAULT" action demonstrated in the example above is similar in effect to the following AFTER DELETE trigger: CREATE TRIGGER on_delete_set_default AFTER DELETE ON artist BEGIN ... 


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