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Search results 31..40 of 59 for: ADD COLUMN

 ... If the left-most column of the index has changed at least once during the previous 1000 steps, then the analysis stops immediately. But if the left-most column has always been the same, then ANALYZE skips ahead to the ... 
 ... In order for an application to add new extensions to FTS5, such as new tokenizers, the application needs a pointer to the "fts5_api" object. In the CARRAY extension, the application needs to tell the extension the location of a C ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
5.1.3. The snippet() function  ... A negative value indicates that the column should be automatically selected. The text to insert before each phrase match within the returned text. The text to insert after each phrase match within the returned text. The text to add to ... 
Window Functions
 ... xStep(4) - add "4" to the current window. xStep(5) - add "5" to the current window. xValue() - invoke xValue() to obtain the value of sumint() for the row with (x='a'). The window currently consists of values 4 and 5 ... 
Query Planning
1.3. Lookup By Index  ... To make the original query more efficient, we can add an index on the "fruit" column of the "fruitsforsale" table like this: CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON fruitsforsale(fruit); An index is another table similar to the original "fruitsforsale" table but ... 
2. WHERE Clause Analysis  ... column = expression column IS expression column > expression column >= expression column < expression column <= expression expression = column expression IS column expression > column expression >= column expression < column expression <= column column IN (expression-list) column IN ... 
The Spellfix1 Virtual Table
6. Dealing With Unusual And Difficult Spellings  ... These exceptions can be dealt with by making additional entries in the virtual table using the "soundslike" column. For example, many words of Greek origin begin with letters "ps" where the "p" is silent. Ex: psalm, pseudonym, psoriasis, psyche. In ... 
 ... The "atom" column is the SQL value corresponding to primitive elements - elements other than JSON arrays and objects. The "atom" column is NULL for a JSON array or object. The "value" column is the same as the "atom" column for ... 
C API: Create Or Redefine SQL Functions
sqlite3_create_function(), sqlite3_create_function16(), sqlite3_create_function_v2(), sqlite3_create_window_function()
These functions (collectively known as "function creation routines") are used to add SQL functions or aggregates or to redefine the behavior of existing SQL functions or aggregates. The only differences between the three "sqlite3_create_function*" routines are the text encoding expected ... 
3.1.1. Column naming details  ... This means, for example, that if you try to give a column a type affinity or add a constraint such as UNIQUE or NOT NULL or DEFAULT to a column, those extra tokens are accepted as valid, but they do ... 


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