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Search results 31..40 of 54 for: "locking."

Compile-time Options
7. Options To Enable Features Normally Turned Off  ... Five locking strategies are available: POSIX locking style. This is the default locking style and the style used by other (non Mac OS X) Unixes. Locks are obtained and released using the fcntl() system call. AFP locking style. This locking ... 
 ... SQLite uses reader/writer locks to control access to the database. (Under Win95/98/ME which lacks support for reader/writer locks, a probabilistic simulation is used instead.) But use caution: this locking mechanism might not work correctly if the ... 
 ... The entire database shared a single lock. When SQLite tries to open a database and finds that it is locked, it can optionally delay for a short while and try to open the file again. This process repeats until the ... 
 ... SQLITE_ABORT 4 /* Callback routine requested an abort */ #define SQLITE_BUSY 5 /* The database file is locked */ #define SQLITE_LOCKED 6 /* A table in the database is locked */ #define SQLITE_NOMEM 7 /* A malloc() failed */ #define SQLITE_READONLY 8 /* Attempt to write a readonly database ... 
Isolation In SQLite
 ... SQLite uses locks to serialize the writes automatically; this is not something that the applications using SQLite need to worry about. Isolation And Concurrency SQLite implements isolation and concurrency control (and atomicity) using transient journal files that appear in the ... 
 ... If INDEXED BY is to be used at all, it should be inserted at the very end of the development process when "locking down" a design. 2. See Also The query planner checklist describes steps that application developers should following ... 
C API: Standard File Control Opcodes
 ... The SQLITE_FCNTL_WAL_BLOCK is a signal to the VFS layer that it might be advantageous to block on the next WAL lock if the lock is not immediately available. The WAL subsystem issues this signal during rare circumstances in order to ... 
SQLite Is Serverless
1. SQLite Is Serverless  ... And because a server is a single persistent process, it is able to control database access with more precision, allowing for finer-grained locking and better concurrency. Most SQL database engines are client/server based. Of those that are serverless ... 
 ... SQLITE_BUSY means that the database engine was unable to acquire the database locks it needs to do its job. If the statement is a COMMIT or occurs outside of an explicit transaction, then you can retry the statement. If the ... 
3.3. Recognized Query Parameters  ... SQLite always opens immutable database files read-only and it skips all file locking and change detection on immutable database files. If this query parameter (or the SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE bit in xDeviceCharacteristics) asserts that a database file is immutable and that ... 


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