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Search results 21..25 of 25 for: stored procedure

The WITH Clause
 ... The basic procedure above may modified by the following additional rules: If a UNION operator connects the initial-select with the recursive-select, then only add rows to the queue if no identical row has been previously added to the ... 
Overview SQLite uses dynamic memory allocation to obtain memory for storing various objects (ex: database connections and prepared statements) and to build a memory cache of the database file and to hold the results of queries. Much effort has gone ... 
 ... SQLite stores this first "role" value in an internal variable that we will here call "$role". Then SQLite runs a query like: "SELECT name FROM people WHERE role=$role AND height>=180". This query has an equality constraint on the ... 
Compile-time Options
7. Options To Enable Features Normally Turned Off  ... The default sorting procedure is to gather all information that will ultimately be output into a "record" and pass that complete record to the sorter. But in some cases, for example if some of the output columns consists of large ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... And, of course, it passes our rigorous testing procedures with no problems detected. Version 3.7.8 is recommended for all new development. 2011-06-28 - Version SQLite version adds a one ... 


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